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Veronica J. Oates, Ph.D, RDN, LDN
Department of Human Sciences
College of Agriculture
Contact Information:
Office Location: 224 Humphries Hall
Telephone: 615-963-5625
FAX: 615-963-5033
Email: voates@tnstate.edu
Research Areas:
Childhood obesity prevention, weight maintenance issues and the influences of culture and media
Currently Funded Research:
National Science Foundation HBCU-UP grant as TSU PI - Smart Technology-enabled Nutrient Lifecycle and Supply Chain Management for Microgreens
American Heart Association/Aramark Healthy for Life Lay Health Advisor Pilot
USDA AFRI "Strengthening Youth Active and Media Savvy (YAMS)” Principal Investigator
USDA NIFA “Building Capacity of Youth – Active and Media Savvy (YAMS).” Principal Investigator
USDA AFRI “Nashville Children Eating Well (CHEW) for Health.” Co-Investigator
Zhou YE, Jackson CD, Oates VJ, Davis GW, Davis C, Takizala Z, Akatue RA, Williams K, Liu J, Hébert JR, Patel KA, Buchowski MS, Schlundt DG, Hargreaves MK. Refining a church-based lifestyle intervention targeting African-American adults at risk for cardiometabolic diseases: a pilot study. Open Journal of Epidemiology. 2017; 7:96-114. https://doi.org/10.4236/ojepi.2017.72009
Miller, Stephania T., Oates, Veronica J., Brooks, Malinda A., Shintani, Ayumi, Gebretsadik, Tebeb, and Jenkins, Darlene M. “Preliminary Efficacy of Group Medical Nutrition Therapy and Motivational Interviewing among Obese African American Women with Type 2 Diabetes: A Pilot Study,” Journal of Obesity, vol. 2014, Article ID 345941, 7 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/345941.
Gooden, K.M., Carter-Edwards, L., Hoyo, C., Akbar, J., Cleveland R.J., Oates, V., Jackson, E., Furberg, H., Gammon, M.D. “For the patient. Recruitment strategies for cancer research studies.” Ethnicity & disease 2005;15(1):151.
Campbell, M.K., James, A., Hudson, A., Carr, C., Jackson, E., Oates, V., Demissie, S., Farrell, D., Tessaro, I. “Improving multiple behaviors for colorectal cancer prevention among African American church members.” Health Psychology, 23(5): 492-502, 2004.
Thrasher, J.F., Campbell, M.K., Oates, V.J. “Behavior-specific social support for cancer risk behaviors among African American church members: Applying optimal matching theory.” Health Education & Behavior, 31 (2): 193-205, April 2004.
NUFS 2010 – Basic Nutrition
NUFS 2110 – Elementary Nutrition
NUFS 2300 Intro to Food and Culture
NUFS 3120 Nutrition in the Global Community
NUFS 3350 Life Span Nutrition
NUFS 3830 Nutrition Assessment, Behavior Change and Counseling
NUFS 3330 Maternal and Child Nutrition
NUFS 4110 – Advanced Nutrition
FACS 4500 Senior Writing Project
FACS 3720 Special Topics in FCS
NUFS 3350 Life Span Nutrition
FACS 3500 Professional Ethics and Conduct
FACS 1010 Intro to Family and Consumer Sciences
Teaching study abroad courses in TnCIS (www.tncis.org)
COPING WITH COVID-19 Making a Diabetes Disaster Kit
Committee Chairperson of the “Tame the Tube” behavior for the Families, Food and Fitness Community of Practice on eXtension (http://www.extension.org).
Recent Honors and Awards:
New Connections 3rd Annual Symposium Travel Award,Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2009.
Pink Zone Professor Award, Department of Athletics, Tennessee State University Academic Excellence award, 2009
Ph.D. (Nutrition) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
B.S. (Human Sciences) North Carolina Central University
M.S. (Biology) North Carolina Central University
B.S. (Chemistry) North Carolina Central University
B.S. (Biology) North Carolina Central University
Date joined staff: August 2008