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Chandra Reddy
Dean and Director of Research/Administrator of Extension
College of Agriculture
Contact Information
Office Location: 218 Agricultural Biotechnology Building
Telephone: 615-963-7561
FAX: 615-963-5888
Email: creddy@tnstate.edu
Research Areas
Sustainable Agriculture, Environmental agronomy, etc.
Refereed journal Articles: 52
Books/Bulletins: 4
Intl. Conference Proceedings: 43
Extension publications: 9
Technical reports: 18
Research abstracts: 78
Conference Presentations and Invited Lectures: 43
Most Significant Publications
Reddy, K. C., Reddy, S. S., Malik, R. K., Lemunyon, J. and Reeves, D. W. 2008. Nitrate movement and P, K, Ca and Mg accumulation in Soil as a result of 5-yr Continuous Poultry Litter Application for cotton. Agronomy Journal 100(4):1-9.
Reddy, K.C., Malik, R., K. Reddy, S.S., and Nyakatawa, E.Z. 2007. Cotton growth and yield response to nitrogen applied through fresh and composted litter. The Journal of Cotton Science 11:26-34.
Reddy, K.C. 1988. Alternative Production Strategies for Millet and Cowpea in Rainfed Agriculture in Niger. Publ. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907/INRAN, B.P. 429 Niamey, Niger. 46p (Handbook, Fr.).
SPS 616-Modeling Natural Resources Management
SPS 416/516-Principles of Sustainable Agriculture
SPS-554/454 Tropical Soils
SPS 523/423-Tropical Food Crop Production
SPS-101 Introduction to Plant Science
Developed and extended no-till farming practices in Alabama and dryland cropping systems in West Africa.
Recent Honors and Awards
Fellow, the Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, 2010.
Fellow, the Food Systems Leadership Institute (FSLI), APLU, Washington, DC, 2010 - 2012
Outstanding Scientist, the Association of Agricultural Scientists of Indian Origin (AASIO), Long Beach, CA, 2010.
Member, The National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board (NAREEEAB); appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture, US Federal Govt., Washington, DC, 2010 - 2013
George Washington Carver Agricultural Excellence Award, US State Dept/USAID, Washington, D.C., 2008.
Fellow, American Society of Agronomy, 2006
B.Sc (Ag). –Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University
M.Sc (Ag). - Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University
Ph.D. – University of Florida
Date joined staff: 2008
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