Admission to Residency I

student on campus

For undergraduate candidates only , the Residency Year is comprised of the final two semesters of the senior year. Admission to Residency I  serves as an indicator that candidates are ready to further their Pre-Residency competencies in the classroom. The candidate’s grade point average and passing scores for all required Praxis II licensure exams, dispositional tendencies, school-placement demographics, and developing competencies through Key Assignments in selected Areas of Performance are examined. An advisor’s review of academic performance and an interview also affirm readiness to begin clinical practice.

Intent to Enter Residency I

Deadline to Apply:
March 30, 2025 - Praxis II content test scores (or testing date receipt) MUST be provided at time of application!

Candidates enter Residency I as a cohort and are engaged in authentic field-based experiences for fifty percent of their semester credit load.   The remainder of the semester is designated for participation in professional studies and continued involvement in Problem-Based Learning and other effective instructional delivery methods.  Candidates are engaged in coursework and experiences designed to develop general and content specific pedagogy. During Residency I, Candidates initiate efforts toward completion of Task  1(Planning), Task 2(Instruction), and Task 3 (Assessment) of the Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA).  In addition, Candidates successfully submit a minimum of one Signature Formative)] Assessment (SFA) as a requirement for admission to Residency II.   

During Residency I, candidates embark on 90-100 residential hours in a K-12 classroom. Candidates are placed with a classroom teacher,  2 full days a week, who will serve as their Mentor Teacher during the year-long clinical placement. The program is structured such that it scaffold greater responsibility, sequenced observations and participatory experiences, culminating in full time cohort teaching in Residency II.