Field Placement and Clinical Experiences

teacher smiling in classroom

The Field Placement and Clinical Experience Coordinator works collaboratively with university instructors, principals and the appropriate officials designated by each school district in placing all candidates for their Field Study and their Year-Long Clinical Experience. All Field Study and Clinical placements are submitted to the placement coordinator. Placements are made in school districts/counties that have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Tennessee State University.

If student is employed in a school, s/he must present a letter from principal of current employment year and notification that applicant has cleared background check within school district. If applicant is not employed at a school, they will have to complete the Background Check TSU Process.

Pre-Residency/General Placements Residency I Residency II/Student Teaching Self-Placement (graduate only)

Pre-Residency and General Field Placements

All university instructors seeking placement for students must provid attach the classlist and complete the Field Experience  Request Form (Require Background Check of Each Student) to include:  

  • Semester and Year
  • Course Prefix
  • Course Title
  • Hours of Experience Required
  • Instructor’s contact information
  • Requested school and School Contact
  • List of students for placement

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Year-Long Clinical Placements:  Senior Year

Residency 1: (Fall Semester)

  • Must have met all requirements from Junior Year
  • Complete application for Admissions to Residency I (by April 5th of Junior Year)
  • Program of Study (4-year plan) approved by advisor confirming that all course requirements to date have been met. NO INCOMPLETE GRADES
  • ONLY Seminar and Student Teaching courses allowed during Residency II/Student Teaching
  • Pass relevant Praxis II (Subject Assessments) by October 30 to apply for Residency 2, scores submitted to the TESS Office
  • Admission occurs at the end of fall semester of the senior year
  • Successful completion of Residency I (NO INCOMPLETE GRADES)
  • Minimum GPA - 2.75 on a 4.0 scale

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Residency II /Student Teaching: (Spring Semester)

  • Admission occurs at the end of fall semester of the senior year
  • Successful completion of Residency I (NO INCOMPLETE GRADES)
  • Minimum GPA - 2.75 on a 4.0 scale
  • All relevant Praxis tests (Subject Assessments) must have been passed prior to Residency II, scores submitted to TESS Office
  • Obtain qualifying score on edTPA Performance Assessment

Self Placement Form for Student (graduate students only) must attach supporting documentation and gain approval by instructor.  Document must be submitted to the TESS Office.

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Contact Information:

Mrs. Linda Fair

Mrs. Linda Fair, M.Ed.
Phone:  615-963-4885

Tennessee State University - College of Education
Teacher Education & Student Services
Field Placement and Clinical Experience Officer
Clay Education Building, Room 107
3500 John A. Merritt Blvd., Box 9533
Nashville, TN 37209

TESS Office Email:
Main Office Phone:  615-963-5459