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Replaced or Lost Your MFA Device?

Re-register Here!


If you receive a new mobile device, you MUST follow the instructions below and fulfill the following criteria:

  • Have access to a computer with Internet connectivity. 
  • Have access to BOTH your old and new mobile devices with security passcode and/or facial recognition enabled.
  • Ensure that your phone is updated with the latest device updates.
  • You have ALREADY registered for MFA before.
  • Know your MyTSU username and password. Contact the TSU IT Help Desk if you need your login info.

LOST YOUR PHONE OR TABLET?: If you have lost your phone or no longer have your old phone with your MFA account already registered on the device, contact the Help Desk at 615-963-7777 to inform them that you need assistance with MFA Re-registration.

Steps for Re-registration for New Phone 

  1. On your PC, open an Internet browser and go to https://mytsu.tnstate.edu.
  2. Click Register for MFA on the TSU login portal (Pic 1).
  3. Another window will open (Pic 2) in which you will enter your TSU email address and click Next. If asked, make sure to select Work or School Account (Pic 3).
  4. You will be redirected to the TSU login screen again with your email address automatically filled in. Enter your TSU password (Pic 4) then click Sign In

MyTSU Register for MFA link MyTSU Next button  MyTSU Sign In Click 

2. On Your Old Phone, complete the Approve Sign In process as seen below. 

Approve Sign In Request Open App Selected Approve Sign In Button On App 

3. On Your PC, you will arrive to the Additional Security Verification window below. This is where you can choose to operate your MFA method by Authentication phone (text messages) or Mobile app (Microsoft Authenticator app). Recommendation, for better security and most convenient use, select the Mobile app along with Receive notifications for verification selected. Once these options are selected, click Set up and a new window with a QR code will appear. Have your phone in hand and proceed to Step 4 for QR code scanning. 

How Should we contact you options then click set up button Configure Mobile App Screen 

4. On your new phone, open the Microsoft Authenticator app that you downloaded in Step 1, click Add Account and click OK allow camera access (Pic 1 & 2), then select Work or School Account and select Scan QR code (Pic 3). The Scan QR code with the blue box will appear (Pic 4). Align the QR code on your PC screen (Window from Step 4) with the blue square on your phone (Pic 4). When successful, the QR scan box will turn green and your TSU account will be added to your phone. 

Add Account Button Ok button on Ready to Add Your Account Screen Scan QR code button click Scan QR code on device scan QR code on device 

5. Success! You have officially registered your new phone and MyTSU account for Multi-Factor authentication. Make sure to Allow notifications for the MS Authenticator. Your phone should now display your TSU email address on your MS authenticator app. You can close the app on your phone. On your PC, click Next on the Configure Mobile App window. You will return to the Additional Verification Screen

Click allow notifications Authenticator App TSU Account screen Next Button Click Configure Mobile App Screen 

6. On your PC, you will see the Setup button greyed out, indicating successful setup of your mobile app. Click Next on the Additional Security Verification Screen. On the Additional Security Verification Screen (Pic 1), it will test that your phone synched with your TSU MFA account by asking you to Approve your attempted sign-in request on your phone (Pic 2). Click Done on the Additional Security Verification Screen. MFA on your PC (Pic 3) will ask you to Approve another sign-in on your phone. 

Notification On Device Screen Approve Button on Device Next button on additional security verification screen Approve sign in request screen select open Microsoft Authenticator app 

7. On Your PC, you will see 2 devices listed under the Authenticator app section. They are listed in order from NEWEST to OLDEST. To delete the old device, click DELETE next to the second selection. Once completed, click Cancel located at the bottom of the Additional Security Verification screen (Pic 1) which confirms the settings of your MFA method. You will be redirected to your MFA profile (Pic 2). You can close the current window or open an Internet browser window and successfully go to your MyTSU dashboard (Pic 3).

Additional Security Verification Screen Delete button to delete old device Microsoft TSU account page MyTSU Homepage after successful login in 

  • MFA Authentication Process: Every time you are on or off campus or connected to the wireless network, please be mindful to have your phone available so that you can login to your MyTSU account and other TSU services. When you attempt to authenticate and successfully enter your MyTSU password, you will receive a Microsoft Authenticator notification (see below) on the home screen of your phone within the MS Authenticator app. Click the notification and then click Approve. If you receive a notification to sign-in and it is NOT you, Click Deny. If you have any issues, please contact the Help Desk 615-963-7777 or helpdesk@tnstate.edu

Approve sign in notification on device Approve sign in notification on device Approve button notification on app