HR Argos Reports
- ACA Coverage Waived
- Benefit/Deduction
- Comp Time Overage
- Employee Verification
- Employees Adjunct Faculty
- Employees All
- Employees Alumni
- Employees Edison ID
- Employees Ethnicity
- Employees Faculty
- Employees Staff
- Employees Temps
- Faculty Degree
- Faculty Action Tracking
- FOAP College of Ag
- Foc120
- Foc120 Gender Race
- I9 All
- I9 Expired
- IPEDS Errors
- IPEDS Title Errors
- Leave >=3 Consecutive Days
- Leave without Pay
- Multiple Primary Jobs
- New Hires
- New Hires Direct Deposits
- New Hires State
- Performance Evaluation
- Picard Summary
- Promotions and Transfers
- Salary Changes
- Sick Leave
- Student Employees Graduated
- Terminations Final
- Terminations Pending
- Vets4212
Payroll History Reports
- Direct Deposits
- Earning Totals by Date Range
- Earning Totals by Banner ID
- Earning Totals by Employee Class
- Earning Totals by Pay Period
- No Pay
- Non-Pay Status
- Payroll Variance
Position Management Reports
Data Standards Reports
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