Educational Programs

Addressing Community Needs Via Sessions, Conferences, and Workshops

Kids getting on busCooperative Extension is a nationwide, non-credit educational network. Each U.S. state and territory has a state office at its land-grant university and a network of local or regional offices.

The vision of the Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Program is to be leader in outreach educational programs.

Agricultural and Natural Resources | site

  • Forestry – addresses urban and rural forestry issues
  • Goats and Small Ruminants – highlights the relevance and importance of goats and small ruminants
  • Small Farms – teaches farmers how to utilize limited resources and maximize farm income
  • Integrated Pest Management – teaches the most cost-effective and environmentally safe approaches to pest management
  • Environmental Education – raises awareness of environmental concerns
  • Horticulture – Emphasizes the art and science of plant cultivation
  • Organics – promotes the advantages of organic crops
  • Agricultural Education - prepares Extension agents and school-based educators to teach others about agriculture
    CASE Program
    Agriscience Jackpot Fair

Family and Consumer Sciences | site

  • Child Development – addresses physical, social, emotional, and intellectual aspects of children and adolescents
  • Parenting – teaches effective communication and parenting skills
  • Grandparents and Relative Caregivers – targets grandparents and other relatives caring for children
  • Nutrition Education and Food Safety – helps individuals acquire knowledge, skills and behavior changes necessary to maintain nutritionally sound, safe diets.
  • Health Education – addresses individual and community health issues and promotes healthy living
  • Gerontology – highlights factors related to the aging population
  • Public Health - public health microbiology


4-H Youth Development  | site

  • 4H Logo Citizenship – promotes community engagement through meaningful youth-adult partnerships
  • Healthy Living – addresses the health of youth so they may lead healthy and productive lives into adulthood
  • Science, Engineering and Technology – exposes youth to hands-on educational programs with hopes of their excelling in scientific and technical fields
  • Leadership – helps youth build leadership skills
  • Camp – day and week-long camps are held throughout the summer and school year

Community Resources and Economic Development | site

  • Small Business Development – assists with planning and establishing small businesses
  • Leadership Development – helps individuals, groups and communities with leadership development
  • Faith-based initiatives – assists faith-based organizations with community issues
  • Land-Ownership Program – teaches under-represented landowners and farmers effective estate planning and legal issues
  • Ropes challenge Course – promotes leadership and team-building activities using engineered challenge course structures
  • Emergency Preparedness – teaches individuals and communities how to prepare for emergencies and natural disasters
  • Community Gardens – helps individuals, groups, and organizations start and maintain gardens

Using a variety of program delivery strategies, we offer practical and useful research-based programs, resources, and publications in agriculture and natural resource, family and consumer sciences, 4-H youth development, and community resources and economic development.

Specialists on the main campus and county extension agents conduct education sessions, conferences, and workshops to address community needs.