College of Education

Educating the Future

Our Distinctives


About the College of Education

Leadership Team


Academic Departments
Educational Leadership
Teaching and Learning


Support Departments
Ed Assessment and Accreditation
Global, Retention, Advising, Coaching Intervention, Education (GRACIE-OTL)
Teacher Education and Student Services

News, Calendar, Announcements & Publications

United States Secretary of Education visits TSU College of Education     News Channel 4News Channel 5

Summer 2024 Advisement's Point of Contact for the College of Education will be Dr. Rhonda Stewart. 


Spring 2023 Teacher Education Program Now Accepting Applications

Fall 2020 COE Newsletter

Spring 2021 Newsletter


View Other Publications >>


News and Announcements:

Continuity of Instructional / Academic Operations Plan

COVID-19 Impact on Educator Licensure and Preparation

Student Complaint & Equity Council Process



Conveniently poised near downtown Nashville, Tennessee State University is an ideal location to pursue your educational goals. See map...



We strive to keep our educational costs affordable so that the working professional and the entering freshman can gain endorsements, certifications, degrees, etc. View costs...

Course Program of Study




