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Getting Started
Not Sure Where to Start?
Prior to the beginning of each semester, each professional staff person will receive a list of students to be contacted to ascertain their interest in participating in the CDC sponsored corporate recruiting process. The Banner and TigerTRACK systems will be utilized to acquire students contact information.
STEP 1 All students must fill out a CDC registration form before receiving assistance. This form contains demographic information to determine the type of assistance needed.
STEP 2 All students seeking career counseling must generate an unofficial university transcript for review and counseling purposes. Revised resumes will then be uploaded into the TigerTRACK database. Student resumes will be updated at least once a year.
STEP 3 All students should have pdf file updated transcript and resume before interfacing (through CDC) with corporate contacts. The Banner system will be used for any acquiring necessary student information.
STEP 4 CDC software “What Can I Do with This Major? and existing Skill Maps will be used in the career counseling process.
STEP 5 Undecided students are encouraged to take the Discovery Interest Inventory. Results will be interpreted and students will be given internet career search parameters.
STEP 6 All students interested in participating in the CDC sponsored corporate interviewing and/or referral process must have an updated resume in the TigerTRACK database. Register for or log into your TigerTRACK Account below:
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Career Dev Ctr