Employee Separation

Submitting the Termination/Transfer


The supervisor of the employee being transferred or terminated should submit the Employee Separation Administration notice within myTSU.

Download PDF of the instructions below >>

How to Submit Termination or Transfer

  1. Login to myTSU
  2. In the Staff Applications (or Faculty Applications) menu, click "Banner Workflow"
  3. In the "User Profile" menu, click "My Process"
  4. Click "ESA Workflow"
  5. For "Workflow Specifics Name" field, enter the ESA employee's name
  6. Click "Start Workflow"
  7. Click the employee name that is highlighted in blue.
  8. Enter all required fields.
  9. Click "Complete" (This sends an email to ESA@tnstate.edu and to you .)


To Cancel an ESA Workflow

  1. Under the "Home" tab, click "Worklist"
  2. Click "View Details" on far right of the ESA you can cancelling
  3. Click "Stop Workflow Request"