Net Price Calculator

Estimate your costs

Tuition Calculator

This calculator has been designed to allow you to make early estimates regarding eligibility for need-based financial aid as an undergraduate at Tennessee State University. Based on the information you enter about your family financial situation you will be presented with a sample award with the following caveats:

  • These estimates do not represent a final determination, or actual award of financial assistance or a final net price. Cost of attendance and financial aid availability change year to year. Calculations are based on the 2022-2023 academic year for a freshman entering TSU in fall 2022.
  • Results are dependent on the accuracy and completeness of the information entered and intended to provide only a general guide to your eligibility for financial aid.
  • Any award is not guaranteed by TSU and is meant to be an indication of the aid you may be eligible to receive. TSU's Financial Aid Office is the final authority for determining the family contribution and any financial aid award. 
  • You can view current Tennessee State University's costs for registration, housing, meals and miscellaneous fees at Tuition & Fees .
  • This is a U.S. Department of Education calculator and not an application for financial aid. Your information will not be retained or transmitted to Tennessee State University in any way. 

Click the Calculator to Estimate Costs:
Estimate Your Financial Aid by clicking the calculator graphic.