Proposal Submission Process

TSU Procedures

Proposal Submission is a large part of Research and Sponsored Programs' administrative support of the TSU Research Community.  As with any process, there are some procedures we ask be followed so that we can offer our best as we assist with pre-award support and proposal submission.  Below are guidelines that detail components of the submission process. View a flowchart showing the process for a successful grant submission.

  1. When preparing a proposal for submission, the staff of the Division of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) should be notified as soon as possible of your intent to submit a proposal, preferably 30 days in advance, using our Intent to Submit a Proposal Form.  This form must be submitted for all proposals in order to officially notify RSP staff.  Please note, this form is internal and the principal investigator (PI) is required to upload proposal documents into the agency’s submission portal.  See item 6 below for additional instructions when submitting proposals to limited submission competitions.

  2. The RSP ‘Intent to Submit a Proposal’ form should also be completed when submitting a Letter of Intent to a funding agency.

  3. Investigators should submit complete proposals for RSP review. The staff is responsible for reviewing rather than preparing proposals. Once the proposal is reviewed, PIs are responsible for uploading the documents into the agency’s submission portal.

  4. Proposal budgets must be submitted to RSP at least five working days prior to the submission deadline to guarantee review and approval. Failure to provide the budget by this deadline may result in the proposal not being submitted.

  5. For opportunities requiring a cost share or match, a description of the mandatory institutional cost share for the project, how the cost share will be met, and a letter of cognizance from the Dean/Chair/Unit Head indicating support of the cost share or match is required.

  6. Limited Submission Competition:  Many funding agencies issue requests for proposals that limit the number of applications an institution can submit.  These are referred to as Limited Submission Opportunities. If the number of notices of intent to submit (RSP form) is greater than the number of submissions allowed, an internal competition will be required to select the most competitive proposal(s) for submission.  Thus, ‘Intent to Submit a Proposal’ forms for limited submission must be submitted at least 45 days before the submission deadline to ensure adequate time for review and selection of proposals.    When possible, requirements for the internal application will mirror the requirements of the funding sponsor to reduce duplication or extraneous paperwork. Depending on those requirements, internal applications may require any subset of these items:
      • Brief (2-page maximum) project summary/white paper summarizing the PI’s proposal concept and pertinent background information
      • Abbreviated CV or biographical sketch of the PI, including previous agency experience if applicable
      • List of collaborators on this project
      • For proposal re-submission, copies of program reviews of prior submission and response to reviewers’ remarks
      • For major equipment acquisition, a description of where the instrument will be housed and a plan for sustainability of equipment use and how it will be maintained.

  7. All proposals submissions must be approved and submitted by the University’s Authorized Organizational Representative, Dr. Quincy Quick, Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs and Chief Research Officer.