
Jemal Gishe , Ph.D .

Associate Professor

Contact Information

Office:  Avon Williams Campus D-405    
email: jgishe@tnstate.edu
Phone:  (615) 963-7046



2014 – ABD, University of South Florida

2006 – Ph.D., University of South Florida

2001 –  Advanced Diploma, ICTP (Italy)

2000 –  M.Sc., Addis Ababa University

1995 –  B.Sc., Addis Ababa University

 Area of Expertise

Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Research Methods, Mathematics

Courses Taught

Graduate Courses:

Principles of Epidemiology, Biostatistics I/II, Real Analysis

Undergraduate Courses:

Intro to Biostatistics, Intro to Probability Theory, Intro to Epidemiology, Research Methods, Health Economics, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Intro to Real Analysis, Complex Variable, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Differential Equations, Calculus I, II and III

Research Interests

Dr. Gishe has the expertise, experience and interest in applications of statistical methodologies: categorical, survival and longitudinal data analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and generalized linear mixed models. He collaborates in the area of Public Health, Agriculture, Sports, and Nutrition and also has an interest in health disparity studies, prostate cancer, obesity, and community-driven interventions. As a Biostatistician, he has experience working in the area of clinical trials for a Contract Research Organization, Momentum Research Inc., Durham, North Carolina.

He is a Co-PI in NIH grant to address health disparity and health equity; authored and co-authored research articles in peer-reviewed journals, technical reports, and a book chapter. He consults in the area of study designs, statistical methods, and data analysis. He is a user of many statistical application soft wares such as R, SAS, and SPSS.


Curriculum Vitae