How To Submit Your IRB


Step 1:  You MUST complete the on-line CITI Training.  There is no cost to TSU students and faculty. Here is the link:  https ://  Make sure you save your certificate on your computer.  


Step 2: You'll need to determine whether to submit an EXEMPT or a non-EXEMPT application.  See the checklist below to help you determine the type of review for your Application Packet. You'll need to have a clear understanding of the research activities and population involved before making this decision.  If you're still not sure after completing the checklists, please contact IRB Administration at


Step 3:  Complete the IRB Application and Assemble the Application Packet.  Start your IRB Application by completing the survey located at the following address: .  This will provide basic information regarding your protocol.  An Application Packet must be assembled and must be submitted electronically for review (  All instruments used to collect data, including list of interview questions and the actual surveys, should be included in the IRB Application Packet along with your training certificate.  Letters of Cooperation and Letters of Permission should be typed on institutional letterhead and scanned to you computer.  If your research involves collecting data at another institution or in partnership with another institution, you should include documentation. 


 Your IRB Application Packet, when finished, should include one copy of each of the following:


Step 4:  Submit the packet.  The electronic packet should be compiled in PDF format and forwarded to

IRB Approval only lasts for one year.  If you need to extend the project for an additional year, you'll need to submit an IRB Amendment Form and indicate that you need to extend the IRB Approval for one more year.