Supply Chain Management

Desire a Career in Business?



In a simple Language: SCM addresses "the ways businesses coordinate to find parts and raw materials, make products (or provide services), warehouse them, and transport them to customers or retailers".

Degree Offered

Students earn a BBA, Bachelor of Business Administration, degree with a concentration in Supply Chain Management.

Supply Chain Management concentration is designed to prepare students for a career in Supply Chain, having the management and technology skills required for positions in the Supply Chain Environment. The program also provides students with an understanding of the strategic and operational nature of Supply Chain Management. 

Using online classes in addition to regular day and evening classes, the concentration also addresses the needs of non-traditional students.


Degree Emphasis

Our BBA degree with a concentration in supply chain management (SCM) emphasizes the four important areas of:

  • Sourcing (global strategic procurement, supply contract negotiation)
  • Supply (production, quality management, and service operations)
  • Delivery (logistics, demand fulfillment), and
  • E-business/information systems (critical enabler of supply chain efficiencies and responsiveness).

SCM Program Brochure (pdf)

Program Uniqueness

Tennessee State's SCM program uniquely combines e-Business technology with Supply Management into one concentration.

The concentration was reviewed by the nation's highly regarded 'Institute for Supply Management (ISM)', which highly recommended it to be a model throughout the US.


A number of corporate-sponsored scholarships are available for students who are supply chain management majors with strong academic and leadership backgrounds.

Career Options in SCM

Graduates may be involved in Procurement Contract Negotiations and Management (national and international), Supplier Quality Evaluation, B2B Purchasing, Warehousing, ERP, Inventory Management, Transportation, Packaging and International Logistics. As a supply chain manager, the entire supply chain operation from inception to final customer distribution is involved.

Corporate-sponsored scholarships and Internships for our Supply Chain Management students come from firms that include:


2021-2022 Supply Chain Management Program Booklet


Supply Chain Student Organization

We strive to enrich students’ experience and encourage greater student engagement and development by providing intellectual, social, networking, and professional activities to facilitate the successful transition from institutional academia to a professional environment. SCMSO is established to increase students’ value through the school's excellent academic program to create high expectations for academic success.

Learn more about our Supply Chain Student Organization:


ISM Case Competition Team

ISM Competing Team:

Charlotte d'Arras (left), Sumit Aggarwal (right), and Natalie Cooper (not pictured)

Congratulations to the Tennessee State University, College of Business, 2021 Case Competition Team! 

Each year, five minority-serving institutions are selected to compete at the national ISM "Impact" conference. Each team is given a case developed by the A.T. Kearney organization. They have one month to analyze the case data and develop a presentation that includes their solution and recommendations associated with the case.  The teams then compete for a cash award and bragging rights for the next year. The TSU team did an outstanding job competing in the competition!

This year's ISM "Impact" conference, attended by top Supply Chain Management Industry Leaders for major U.S. and Global companies, was held virtually via Zoom.

The TSU team was made up of Supply Chain Management MBA and Undergraduate students:  Charlotte d'Arras (MBA), Sumit Aggarwal (MBA), and Natalie Cooper (Senior). The SCM Program Coordinator said, "They did a tremendous job of representing TSU and proving that we have a strong and globally competitive Supply Chain Management program and some of the most outstanding students in the country. We could not be more proud of their success!"  


Graduation Cap with cash and degree

SCM Scholarship Application