

Corey Barwick

Corey Barwick, PhD
Associate Professor of Political Science

Fields: American Politics, Public Law, Research Methodology

Contact: 215 Crouch Hall, (615) 963-6342, cbarwick@tnstate.edu


Gashawbeza Bekele

Gashawbeza Bekele, PhD
Professor of Geography

Fields: Human Geography, Geography of Africa, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Contact: 413C Crouch Hall, (615) 963-5499, gbekele@tnstate.edu


Michael Bertrand

Michael Bertrand, PhD 
Professor of History

Fields: 20th Century US History, New South, History of Race, Music, and Popular Culture

Contact: 220 Crouch Hall, (615) 963-1376, mbertrand@tnstate.edu



Adam Bronstone

Adam Bronstone, PhD
Instructor of Political Science

Fields: Introductory Politics, International Relations 

Contact: adambbronstone@gmail.com

   Keisha Brown  

Keisha A. Brown, PhD
Associate Professor of History

Fields: Asian Studies, World History, Race and Ethnicity 

Contact: 210B Crouch Hall, (615) 963-5000, kbrow110@tnstate.edu


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   Sheri Browne

Sheri Browne, PhD 
Professor of History

Fields: US History, American Women's History, Women's Studies

Contact: 220 Crouch Hall, (615) 963-5505, sbrowne@tnstate.edu



Shameka Cathey, PhD 
Assistant Professor of Political Science

Fields: Political Science

Contact: 413E Crouch Hall, (615) 963-5514, scathey@tnstate.edu


   Theron Corse

Theron Corse, PhD
Associate Professor of History

Fields: Latin American History, World History

Contact: 406A Crouch Hall, (615) 963-7457, tcorse@tnstate.edu

Elizabeth Dachowski  

Elizabeth Dachowski, PhD  
Professor of History 

Fields:  Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern European History; World History 

Contact: 320 Crouch Hall, (615) 963-5507, edachowski@tnstate.edu

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Joel Dark    

Joel Dark, PhD
Professor of History

Fields:  Modern European History

Contact: 112 Crouch Hall, (615) 963-5516, jdark@tnstate.edu

Photo to come

Caleb Knies
Instructor of History

Fields: US History, Public History, Theory of History

Contact: 210F Crouch Hall, cknies@tnstate.edu

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Sekhmet Maat (McAllister), PhD
Associate Professor of Africana Studies

Fields: African-Centered Theory, African Spirituality

Contact: 207 Elliott Hall, [phone tba], cmcalli1@tnstate.edu

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John Miglietta    

John Miglietta, PhD
Professor of Political Science

Fields: International Politics, Middle East Politics

Contact: 211 Crouch Hall, (615) 963-5515, jmiglietta@tnstate.edu

Photo to come  

Kyle Murray, PhD
Associate Professor of Political Science

Fields: Global Political Economy, International Relations Theory and History, US History

Contact: 209A Crouch Hall, (615) 963-1394, kmurra10@tnstate.edu

Adebayo Oyebade    

Adebayo Oyebade, PhD
Department Chair,  Professor of History

Fields:  African and African Diaspora History, US History

Contact: 216 Crouch Hall, (615) 963-5506, aoyebade@tnstate.edu

Photo to come  

David Padgett, PhD
Associate Professor of Geography 

Fields:  Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Environmental Justice 

Contact: 213 Crouch Hall, (615) 963-5508, dpadgett@tnstate.edu

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Andrew Patrick     

Andrew Patrick, PhD 
Associate Professor of History

Fields:  Middle Eastern History, US History, World History, Teacher Education

Contact: 413D Crouch Hall, (615) 963-5742, apatric2@tnstate.edu


Andrea Ringer, PhD 
Associate Professor of History

Fields: Atlantic World, American History, Labor History, Public History 

Contact: 210A Crouch Hall, (615) 963-7357, aringer1@tnstate.edu

Brian Russell  

Brian E. Russell, PhD 
Assistant Professor of Political Science

Fields:  American Politics 

Contact: 215 Crouch Hall, (615) 963-4930, brussell7@tnstate.edu

Erik Schmeller  

Erik Schmeller, PhD 
Professor of History

Fields: Early US History, British History 

Contact: 306 Holland Hall, (615) 963-5510, eschmeller@tnstate.edu

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Learotha Williams  

Learotha Williams, Jr., PhD 
Professor of History

Fields:  African American, Reconstruction, and Public History  

Contact: 320 Crouch Hall, (615) 963-5513, lwilli22@tnstate.edu





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