Course Descriptions

Computer & Information Systems Engineering

CISE 5005. INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER HARDWARE SYSTEMS. (3) Introduction to circuits elements and techniques of circuits analysis. Operational amplifier and techniques of Op-Amp circuit design. Boolean algebra and logic gates, design of combinational and sequential logic circuits, registers and counters, digital integrated circuits. Machine language, RISC and CISC architectures, and design of arithmetic unit, processor, memory system and input/output systems. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.  

CISE 5006. INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION SYSTEMS. (3) Introduction to linear system theory: Fourier series, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform, power spectrum, and linear system analysis. Probability theory and random variables. Theory of information and communication systems, modulation theory, multiplexing, introduction to digital communications, computer communication systems and network protocols. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.  

CISE 5010. DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS. (3) Files and data structures used in computing such as lists, etc., techniques of storing and retrieving data such as hashing, indexing, etc., relational data-base models, SQL databases and servers, and data-base management systems. Selection and design of algorithms, search and sorting techniques, pattern matching, mathematical problems. Prerequisite: COMP 3200, Engr 2231 or equivalent.  

CISE 5020. COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND OPERATING SYSTEMS. (3) An understanding of capabilities, limitations and applications of different computer architectures of large supercomputers to smaller workstations. Basic computer resource management techniques, discussion of types of operating systems, distributed and parallel processing, real time programming and inquire-response systems. An overview of different implementations. Prerequisite: COMP 4110 or COMP 3410 or EECE 4300 or equivalent.  

CISE 5030. SOFTWARE SYSTEMS DESIGN. (3) Concept of software product life cycle, software design methodologies, stages in software development, metrics and models, reliability and reusability of code, software development tools, analysis, and design validation, small team projects involving architectural design and software specifications, computer aided software engineering (CASE). Prerequisite: EECE 3061 or COMP 3050 or EECE 4310.  

CISE 5040. SYSTEMS ENGINEERING. (3) Introduction to systems, the system design process, systems analysis tools, including decision making, economic evaluation, optimization, queuing theory, statistical methods and process control concepts. Design of operation feasibility, human factors, logistics and systems engineering management. Introduction to data-base design and decision support systems. Prerequisite: Engr 2231, 3200, 3400 or equivalent.  

CISE 5050. ADVANCED DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. (3) Selected topics in discrete mathematics, formal systems, mathematical deduction, logical concepts, theorem proving sets, relations on sets, operations on sets, functions, graphs, mathematical structures, morphism, algebraic structures, semigroups, finite state machines and simulation, Kleene theorem. Prerequisites: COMP 3200.  

CISE 5060. ERROR CONTROL CODES. (3) Introduction to codes for error detection and correction, linear algebra over finite fields, bounds, perfect and quasi-perfect codes, probability of error checking , Hamming, BCH, MDS, Reed-Solomon codes, and non-linear codes. Prerequisite: COMP 3200, EECE 3500 or equivalent.  

CISE 5110. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/EXPERT SYSTEMS. (3) Case studies in artificial intelligence, design and use of expert system shells, etc. This course will be operated as a project oriented course which utilizes many existing artificial intelligence Techniques. Prerequisite: EECE 3061. MATH 3030, ENGR 3400 or equivalent.  

CISE 5200. PROBABILITY, RANDOM PROCESSES AND ESTIMATION THEORY. (3) Introduction to basic concepts of probability theory, statistical techniques, and development of probability models, Random variables, multiple random variables, the central limit theory and long term averages; random processes, estimation and decision theory, Markov chains and introduction to Queuing Theory. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.  

CISE 5220. COMPUTER AIDED SYSTEMS DESIGN. (3) Advanced computer-aided analysis and design tools for analysis of system properties and performance, study of structure and theory of computer aided design software and hardware and the small scale design of such tools. Prerequisites: EECE 3100, 3101, CISE 5010 and COMP 5040 or equivalent.  

CISE 5230. COMPUTER COMMUNICATION AND NETWORK. (3) Covers theory of various information and computer communication networks and operation of open systems that enable exchange of information (data) in an open way to facilitate a range of distributed applications. Topics include - fundamental issues related to reliable transfer of data across serial data link following ISO reference model; data transmission over various types of communication medium; various types of computer networks that provide a switched communication facility over which computers can communicate; and the ISO layered network protocol, network topology, packet switching, routing, networks management, discussion of narrowband and broadband ISDN. Application of basic traffic theory, switching fundamentals and routing strategies. Prerequisite: EECE 3210, EECE 3500, EECE 4350 or equivalent.  

CISE 5240. MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS. (3) This course will discuss current methods in use for the design and implementation of modern information technology in organizational systems. It will also provide a comprehensive introduction to basic principles of the legal, economic, and regulatory environment of the information industry. Prerequisite: MEEN 5020, EECE 3500 or equivalent.  

EECE 5240. DIGITAL COMMUNICATION. (3) Digital communication concepts, channel characterization, base-band pulse transmission, coherent and non-coherent digital signaling, inter symbol interference, base-band shaping, equalization, synchronization and detection, error-control codes, modems, and terminals. Prerequisite: EECE 3300, 3500 or equivalent.  

CISE 5300. ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION. (3) Transformation techniques, manipulator kinematics, Jacobian, dynamics, position and force controls, robot programming languages and systems, control problems in robotics and industrial automation, numerical controls, computer aided controls. Prerequisite: EECE 4000 and instructor’s approval.   

CISE 5400. SPECIAL TOPICS IN CISE. (3) Recent advanced topics in Computer and Information Systems Engineering will be studied based on faculty and students’ needs Prerequisite: instructor’s approval.  

CISE 5905. MASTER OF SCIENCE THESIS I. (3) Thesis topics to be selected in consultation with the chairman of thesis committee and approval of the department head. The thesis will involve hardware, software and systems approach to the design and development of an integrated system. Student must have completed need analysis, identified operational and functional requirements, TPMs, and bench marks for design evaluation and selected an appropriate solution to pursue. Student must also develop a management plan with milestones, defined a maintenance concepts for life cycle evaluation of optimum system. Student must complete these activities to receive a grade and as a prerequisite for next course. Prerequisite: Admission to Candidacy.  

CISE 5906. MASTER OF SCIENCE THESIS II. (3) Continuation and completion of thesis and oral presentation defense. Prerequisite: CISE 5905.  

CISE 6000. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. (3) Database concepts. Database design Data models: entity-relationship and relational. Data manipulation languages including SQL. Data dictionaries. Query processing. Concurrency, software development environments use a database system. Expert, object-oriented, multimedia and distributed database systems. Database systems architecture. Use of a commercial database management system.  

CISE 6100. OPTIMIZATION IN OPERATIONS RESEARCH. (3) Problem solving with mathematical models, deterministic optimization models in operations research, improving search, linear programming models, simplex search and interior point methods, duality and sensitivity in linear programming, multi objective optimization, shortest paths and discrete dynamic programming, network flows, discrete optimization methods and constrained and unconstrained nonlinear programming.  

CISE 6200. INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE. (3) This course introduces the parallel computation techniques based on various artificial neural networks architectures. Learning rules for feedforward networks, Associative learning, competitive networks, Grossberg network, Hopfield network and their applications. Introduction to fuzzy logic theory, membership functions, fuzzy relations, fuzzy measures, approximate reasoning and design and applications of fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy systems. Introduction to genetic algorithms and their applications. Prereq: Graduate standing.  

CISE 6300. STATISTICAL INFORMATION THEORY. (3) Foundations of modern digital communication systems. Random variables and random processors, autocorrelation functions; Digital signaling waveforms and their spectra. Probability of error in digital receivers. Information measure and source coding; channels and codes for error detection and correction. Introduction to traffic theory for telecommunications and optical communication. Prerequisite: EECE 3200 or equivalent.  

CISE 6340. COMPUTER COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKS II. (3) Principles and issues underlying provision of wide area connectivity through interconnection of autonomous networks. Internet architecture and protocols today and likely evolution in future. Case studies of particular protocol practical Topics related to high-speed networks such as: frame relay, high-speed LANs and MANs, the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) architecture, adaptation layers, switch architectures, preventive and reactive congestion control schemes, schemes for connectionless services over ATM, transmission schemes and signaling.  

CISE 6360. DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING THEORY AND DESIGN. (3) Fundamental and systems design aspects of distributed systems, paradigms for distributed computing, client-server computing, concurrency control, distributed file systems, resource management, high-performance computing aspects.

CISE 6400. FUNDAMENTALS OF ROBOTICS IN MANUFACTURING. (3) Introduction to robotic automation, robot classifications, robot specifications, direct and inverse kinematics, workspace analysis; Trajectory planning, manipulator dynamics; Robot control, robot interface to manufacturing processes, machine interface, end-of-arm tooling, robot programming, and sensor integration and utilization in manufacturing. Laboratory projects are required. Prerequisites: Sound knowledge of static and dynamics, matrix operations, computer language programming or consent of the instructor.  

CISE 6440. NUMERICAL VISUALIZATION. (3) Essential algorithms for three-dimensional rendering and modeling techniques; viewing transformations, illumination, surface modeling; methodologies for visualization of scalar and vector fields in three dimensions; applications of visualization.  

CISE 7100. SYSTEM MODELING AND SIMULATION. (3) Modeling and analysis of systems under uncertainty. Integrated approach of stochastic analysis and simulation. Elementary queuing systems and networks. Discrete event simulation, choice of distributions, output analysis, animations.  

CISE 7240. COMPUTER VISION. (3) This course covers the digital image processing and computer vision fundamentals, image analysis, image transforms, image restoration, image enhancement, image compression, image segmentation, image representation and description, image recognition and interpretation. Use of Matlab toolbox, Khoros, CVIPtools and LabVIEW based image acquisition and visualization will be required for image data collection, processing and visualization. Prereq: Graduate standing.  

CISE 7300. NETWORK PROGRAMMING. (3) Review of TCP/IP and UDP, transport layer, elementary and advanced sockets, TCP sockets and client server examples I/O multiplexing, socket options, elementary and advanced UDP sockets, name and address conversions, daemon processes and intend supersaver, advanced I/O functions, Unix Domain protocols, non-blocking I/O, routing sockets, broadcasting, multicasting, threads, and streamers. Prerequisite: Unix Operating System, networking protocols or equivalent.  

CISE 7310. METRICS AND MODELS IN SOFTWARE QUALITY ENGINEERING. (3) Software development and quality, process models, measurement theory, software quality metrics, Ishikawa’s seven basic quality tools in software development, defect removal, effectiveness, the Rayleigh model, reliability growth models, quality management models, complexity metrics and models, measuring and analyzing customer needs, AS/400 software quality management. Prerequisite: CISE 5030, CISE 5040, or equivalent.  

CISE 7340. HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. (3) Design and analysis of parallel algorithms infixed-connection network and PRAM models. Numerical computations, sorting, and routing. Comparisons of various parallel machine models. Relating machine models to architectural characteristics.  

CISE 7350. NETWORK SECURITY AND RISK ANALYSIS. (3) Network security fundamental, security in layered protocol architecture, cryptographic techniques, authentication, access control, confidentiality and integrity, standard security techniques, electronic mail and EDI security, Network security, security evaluation measures.  

CISE 7370. OPTICAL COMMUNICATION. (3) Optical communication systems, optical wave propagation, photodetection statistics, heterodyne receiver, and noise sources. Evaluation of communication performance for the free-space channel. Introduction to fiber optic communication and fiber optic networks communication.  

CISE 7420. ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE IN MANUFACTURING. (3) Introduction to robot languages and programming techniques, robot modeling and simulation, applied artificial intelligence to robot task planning and manipulation, demonstration of neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, and rule-based system to control of intelligent stationary and mobile robot manipulators, intelligence robot senses, image and speech recognition and classification, robot sensor based communication based, behavior-based coordination and synchronization in time and space. Demonstration of intelligence robotic systems in manufacturing systems. Laboratory design projects required. Prerequisites: CISE 6400, or consent of the instructor.  

CISE 7430. MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS. (3) Introduction to electro-mechanical systems. General design and fabrication, and integration of electro-mechanical systems including: transducers, active and passive sensors, measurement devices, actuation systems, open, closed, and adaptive controllers, microprocessors and system components electronic interfacing and communication. Laboratory projects required. Prerequisites: basic familiarity with the subject of measurement, instrumentation, control, vibration, and signal processing of electro-mechanical systems or consent of the instructor.  

CISE 7450. A. I. ROBOTICS. (3) The theory of artificially intelligent robotics is studied. Topics needed to program artificially intelligent robots for real-world applications are covered. Intelligence organization architectures such as hierarchical and reactive paradigms are introduced. Topics related to mobile robot applications such as sensing, perception, programming techniques and navigation are also presented. Applications of AI robotics in different fields are discussed. Prerequisite: ENGR 2231 or EECE 3061 or equivalent.  

CISE 7505, 7506, 7507. SPECIAL TOPICS. (3) Covers topics of specific area interest including special research topics. To be approved by advisor and program director.  

CISE 7600. SEMINAR. (0) To be taken by all Ph.D. candidates for a duration on one year during the final year and the approval of the advisor.  

CISE 7900. CISE Ph.D. DISSERTATION. (21) ) Research in area of specialization to be carried out under the direction of Advisory Committee. (Vairable credit course not to exceed 21 credit hrs.) replaces.

CISE 7905, 7906, 7907. CISE PH.D. DISSERTATION. (3) Research in area of specialization to be carried out under the direction of Advisory Committee. 

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