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How It Works
Each officially admitted student must declare a major area of study. A student can temporarily declare his/her major as undecided. When a student is admitted, her/his information is entered in the Student Information System (SIS) database. For each admitted student, three(3) university wide computer account numbers are created for the student's use. Names of these accounts are Academic Computing, myTSU and SIS. Each account is assigned a user name and a temporary password. Student can change the initial temporary password to a new password. It is a good idea to write down the password in a safe area for future remembrances.
Each student can log on to any of these computer accounts and observe her/his records and courses that are scheduled to be offered in different semesters. Students cannot edit and change their recorded information.
Each student is assigned an advisor. The advisor is a faculty member in the department of the student's major or is a person in the Academic Enrichment, Advisement and Orientation Department. Each student can also log on to the SIS account, go to screen 008 and view the name of her/his advisor.
The registration for courses to be taken is carried out through a computer process. No student can register unless her/his PIN (Personal Information Number) is activated. This number is either automatically activated by the Office of Admission and Records or by the student's advisor. In the College of Engineering, Technology and Computer Science, each student is required to seek official advisement on the courses to register from her/his advisor. Student must record the courses she/he wants to take on a special form, sign the form and submit it to her/his advisor or department office. Students must take courses that are specified in the CS undergraduate program in proper order. The courses and a four(4) year plan are specified in the undergraduate catalog and in this website. It is student's responsibility to follow the plan properly and seek advisement from her/his advisor. Students that take courses through a self-advising process are responsible for all consequences.
Students can log on to SIS account or MyTsu account and observe their class schedules.
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Computer Science