Dr. Tamara Rogers

Associate Professor and Department Chair

student on campus

Department of Computer Science
Tennessee State University
3500 John A Merritt Blvd
Nashville, TN 37209

Office McCord Hall 005R (Main Campus)
Email : trogers3@tnstate.edu
Phone : (615) 963-1520
Homepage : www.tnstate.edu/faculty/trogers

Areas of Interest
Cyber security and networking, cloud auditing and mobile device security,  robotics research to mobile robot platforms, recognition in environments with dynamic conditions, human factors with motion trackers and automatic target recognition.

Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Vanderbilt University
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Vanderbilt University
B.E., Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, Vanderbilt University

Biographical Sketch
Her dissertation was entitled "The Human Agent: A model for human-robot interaction" and investigated features of social interaction for a humanoid robot and task performance.  Dr. Rogers has been a faculty member at Tennessee State University since 2003. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science.  Dr. Rogers is a member of ACM, ASEE, IEEE, and SWE.

Teaching Interests
Data Communications, Network Management, Software Engineering, Assembly Language, Mobile Robotics, Computer Communications (Graduate), Software Systems Design (Graduate).

PI of an NSF-Targeted Infusion grant to incorporate cyber-security topics in the curricula of the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering departments.

Selected Publications

  • H. Maziku, S. Shetty, K. Han, T. Rogers, "Enhancing the Classification Accuracy of IP Geolocation", Proc. of Military Communications Conference, Orlando, Florida, Nov 2012.
  • A. R. Clayton-Pedersen and T. Rogers, "Preparing Critical Faculty for the Nation's Future in STEM," On Campus with Women (OCWW), Volume 41, Number 1, Spring 2012.
  • H. Maziku, S. Shetty, T. Rogers, "Measurement-based IP Geolocation of routers on Planetlab Infrastructure," First GENI Research and Educational Experiment Workshop 2012 (GREE12), Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 15-16, 2012.
  • N. Luna, S. Shetty, T. Rogers, Kaiqi Xiong, "Assessment of Router Vulnerabilities on PlanetLab Infrastructure for Secure Cloud Computing," First GENI Research and Educational Experiment Workshop 2012 (GREE12), Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 15-16, 2012.

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Computer Science