Schedule Planner

Schedule Planner - Available November 7, 2016

student on campus

Tennessee State University has transformed the student registration process with the addition of Schedule Planner! College Scheduler is a resource to plan coursework alongside your busy life, and can help you accelerate your time to degree completion. The cloud-based platform optimizes class selection and aligns scheduling options with your outside time commitments, including employment, athletics, extracurricular activities, or recurring appointments. A student can easily generate a class schedule that fits their individual needs without having to resort to pen and paper.

Best of all, your academic advisors can spend more time coaching and helping you succeed throughout your matriculation at Tennessee State.

To learn more about this great tool, watch the video below and 
then follow the steps (click on the image to obtain a printable handout) to get started!

Schedule Planner Thumbnail

  Instructions for Using Schedule Planner