National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) assesses key aspects of first year and senior students’ undergraduate experience, including students’ engagement in educational practices that have been shown to be linked with learning and student success. The NSSEE is an industry leader in assessing university student engagement in academics and co-curricular activities. The NSSE was developed and is administered by the Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research .

For the 2023 NSSE , 19% of first-year and 19% of senior TSU campus students responded to the survey from February through May 2023.

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One aspect of the survey asks students about High Impact Practices (HIPs) that are undergraduate opportunities known for positive associations with student learning and retention. TSU values these practices that can be considered life-changing:

  • Facilitate learning outside the classroom
  • Require meaningful interaction with faculty and peers
  • Provide frequent and substantive feedback
  • Demand considerable time and effort of the practice
  • Encourage collaboration with diverse others

The following depicts the percentage of TSU students who responded as either already participated or plan to participate in the following HIPs:

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