Undergraduate Course Descriptions

                                                      Health, Physical Education & Recreation

Retentions/Graduation Requirements:

The Department of Human Performance Sport Sciences (HPSS) offers three undergraduate concentrations and two graduate concentrations.  The Graduate Catalog should be checked for information on the master's degree concentrations in Sports Administration and Exercise Science.

Completions of the undergraduate curricula terminate in a bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degre.  Retention requires that students meet all specific mimimum hours for graduation with a GPA of 2.0 or higher in its programs.  A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better may qualify a major for graduation with only one D recorded in the major core.

Teacher Education candidates are required to pass the Proxis Core Examination and to acheive a cumulative GP of 2.75 before applying for admission into the Teacher Education Program.  Teacher Education admission requirements are furtehr specified in the introductory material included under the general heading: The College of Education.


Activity Course Descriptions

HPER 1010 Physical Fitness Activities (1). A course designed so that students participate in exercises and various physical activities that can improve strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance.

HPER 1011 Elementary Swimming (1). A course designed to provide basic swim instruction, improve upon ones current swimming.

HPER 1012 Modern and Ballet Dance (1). An introduction to modern dance technique and ballet technique as well as elementary composition. The first half of the semester will be spent covering modern dance, the last half covering ballet. No prerequisites.

HPER 1013 Badminton (1). An elective course designed to teach the basic skills and strategies of badminton.

HPER 1014 Volleyball (1). An elective course designed to teach the basic skills, rules and regulations and strategies regarding power volleyball.

HPER 1015 Soccer (1). A course designed to provide students a variety of drills, skills and rules to play the game of soccer or appreciate the sport as a spectator.

HPER 1016 Golf (1). A course designed to teach elementary aspects of the game of golf. Special attention is placed on fundamentals and application of swing, strategies, rules, golf etiquette and other phases of golf.

HPER 1018 Basketball (1). A course that introduces students to the rules, regulations and basic skills necessary to participate in basketball and to improve understanding of basketball and team concept.

HPER 1019 Folk and Square Dance (1). A course designed to acquaint the student with the basic skills and techniques of folk and square dancing. Emphasis is placed on the educational and recreational aspect of folk and square dance.

HPER 1020 Softball (1). A course designed to teach the rules, strategies, fundamentals and other aspects of the game of softball.

HPER 1021 Tennis (1). A course designed to teach students the basic skills, rules, strategies, court safety and etiquette as it applies to the game of tennis.

HPER 1022 Social Dance (1). An elective course exploring the different types of social dance from an educational, recreational and sociological standpoint that can serve as a carry-over of values for all ages.

HPER 1023 Touch Football (1). An elective course that presents the modified form of football. Emphasis is on fundamental skills necessary for ­participation.

HPER 1030 Weight Training (1). A course designed to teach the rudiments of movement using progressive resistance training. Emphasis is on improving muscle tone, muscular endurance, and muscular strength.

HPER 1031 Racquetball (1). A course designed to give instruction in the basic techniques and skills of racquetball. Conditioning drills for agility, stamina, hand-eye coordination essential to all sports will be incorporated.

HPER 1032 Beginning Yoga (1). A course designed for instruction in the basic knowledge and skills with emphasis on yoga postures.

HPER 1034 Archery (1). A course designed to provide the student with a knowledge of and a practice in the basic skills of archery. Emphasis will be placed on rules, safety and proper equipment.

HPER 1040 Track and Field (1). A course designed to introduce students to rules, regulations and basic techniques. Emphasis will be placed on various jumps, throwing events, stride techniques, relays, sprint and distance racing.

HPER 1041 Karate (1). An elective course that studies the basic movements of Oriental Martial Arts. Emphasis on theory and practice of the mental and physical discipline related to the activity. It is taught as a sport and for self defense.

HPER 1042 Beginning Jazz and Tap Dance (1). A course designed to give the basic fundamental movements, steps and patterns of jazz and tap dance as well as to incorporate the style and the history. No prerequisite.

HPER 1043 Scuba Diving (1). A course designed to teach safety, theory, and practice of scuba diving.

HPER 1044 Intermediate Yoga (1). A course designed for students with a foundation in basic yoga body work. Instructor’s approval is required.

HPER 1050, 1051, 1052, 1053 Adapted Physical Education (1, 1, 1, 1). Elective for those students who have conditions that require limited physical activity. NOTE: Students limited to taking 1 class per semester. Limited to students who have been certified as disabled by the Office of Disabled Student Services.


Human Performance and Sport Sciences



HPSS 1010 Orientation (1). A course which introduces freshmen to the fields of health, physical education, and recreation. It includes information on effective academic performance, a review of objectives and concepts in HPER, opportunities in employment and preparation of professional personnel in the field.

HPSS 1510 Health and Wellness (3). A course concerned with placing emphasis on health through a consideration of various conditions which affect health. It includes a comprehensive coverage of important trends on major health areas such as communicable diseases, drugs, nutrition, and those involving the psychological or adjustive processes and those of a psychological or biological nature. A requirement for students fulfilling the core in general education.

HPSS 2010 Fundamentals and Techniques of Team Sports (1) . A course designed to teach prospective coaches and teachers how to implement a tactical approach for creating units of instruction for team sports. This includes analyzing each sport skill involved in a team sport and developing a teaching method in which the learner can be taught the proper fundamental skills, practice using drills and practice sessions and then, successfully participate in a lead-up game (elementary or secondary) of various sports.

HPSS 2020 Theory of Aquatics (1). A course designed to develop knowledge in all aquatics disciplines (instructional & competitive swimming, diving, water polo, etc.), proficiency in the mechanics, skills, strategies, and progressions of aquatics sports. Emphasis is on providing majors with elements of teaching techniques.

HPSS 2030 Fundamentals and Techniques of Individual Sports (1). A course designed to teach prospective coaches and teachers how to implement a tactical approach for creating units of instruction for individual sports. This includes analyzing each skill involved individual sports and developing a teaching method in which the learner can be taught the proper fundamental skills, practice sessions and then, successfully participate in a lead-up game (elementary or secondary) of various sports.

HPSS 2040 Fundamentals and Techniques of Lifetime Sports (1). A course designed to teach prospective coaches and teachers how to implement a tactical approach for creating ;units of instruction for individual sports. This includes analyzing each skill involved in individual sports and developing a teaching method in which the learner can be taught the proper fundamental skills, practice using drills and practice sessions and then, successfully participate in a lead-game (elementary or secondary) of various sports.

HPSS 2060 First Aid and Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (3). A course designed to teach students to recognize and care for breathing and cardiac emergencies in adults, infants and children; identify and care for life-threatening bleeding, sudden illness, shock, injuries to muscles, bones and joints and the characteristics of healthy lifestyles. CPR/AED and First Aid certification from the American Red Cross may be earned through successful completion of the course.

HPSS 2225 Survey of Dance Forms: Folk and Square (2). A course which deals with the history, some personalities associated with (past and present) fundamental techniques, and experiences related to folk and square dance.

HPSS 2226 Survey of Dance Forms: Modern (2). A course which deals with the study of the history, some personalities associated with (past and present), fundamental techniques and experiences related to modern dance.

HPSS 2227 Survey of Dance Forms: Jazz and Social Dance (2). A course which deals with the study and skill development in selected social dances. The effort is to understand and develop skill in the continuum of movements in the activity.

HPSS 2228 Survey of Dance Forms: Tap Dance (2). A course which deals with the development of basic skills and understanding of related historical elements associated with the dance.

HPSS 2270 Fundamental Rhythms and Music for Dance (2). A course which provides an understanding of music in its relationship to dance; offers an experience in creating music with rhythm instruments (standard and contrived) for dance accompaniment; surveys the area of fundamental movement patterns through participation in creative and exploratory experiences.

HPSS 2310 Anatomy and Physiology (3). A basic course in gross anatomy and physiology designed to provide instructions related to exercise science, health fitness and performance, through the study of the organizational structure and function of the human body, and how these factors affect and are affected, by both acute and chronic exercise. Laboratory experiences will also be provided to augment concepts to be covered.

HPSS 2320 Exercise Prescription and Assessment (3). This course is designed to introduce the student to theoretical and practical concepts of exercise assessment, exercise interpretation and exercise prescription. The student will develop appropriate techniques used to recommend exercise prescription for healthy and unhealthy clients. Prerequisites: HPSS 2310, HPER 1030 or BIO 2220 & 2221

HPSS 2330 Exercise Prescription and Assessment Laboratory (1). Application of exercise testing and prescription in an array of patient/client populations. Students will develop proficiency in using clinical exercise testing equipment and in exercise assessment, data interpretation and development of exercise prescriptions. Prerequisites: HPSS 2310

HPSS 2704 Pedagogy and Observation (1). Designed to foster the development of teacher candidate pedagogical skills in a variety of content settings. Emphasis will be on the implementation of lesson plans and skill progression assessments of children. Clinical practice / field experiences in selected elementary and secondary schools (PDS partners) will be incorporated. Co-requisites: PE 201, 203, or 204.

HPSS 3000 Foundations of Education (3.0) The purpose of this course is to examine the philosophical, ethical and theoretical foundations of the professional practice of health education in school, community, work site and hospital settings, as well as in health promotion consultant activities. Students will be expected to develop their own philosophical, ethical and theoretical approach(s) to the field after becoming familiar with the literature related to the discipline. This course also requires a minimum of one hour each week (total of 15 hours a semester) of an active service-learning experience.

HPSS 3020 Movement Exploration (2). A course designed to teach application of theoretical and practical experiences in the problem-solving method of teaching motor activities. The course includes study and analysis of implications of the exploratory method for teachers at preschool, primary, and intermediate levels of instruction.

HPSS 3030 Consumer and Community Health (3). The purpose of this course is to provide future health educators with the tools to identify, question or seek accuracy in the delivery of health care, health services and health products. In addition, evaluation of health products, insurance, and services will be emphasized. This course will examine the role of government and the influence of the media on these issues. Community health structures (local health departments, state, CDC and other appropriate agencies) will be studied.

HPSS 3040 Elements of Safety (2). A course designed to foster a safe environment through awareness of hazards, accidents and emergencies and through the concepts of prevention, intervention, and maintenance of your surroundings.

HPSS 3050 Family Health and Sexuality (3). A course designed to examine current trends and attitudes toward human sexuality behavior with an emphasis on sexuality throughout the life cycle, interpersonal relationships, roles, interrelationships and family member roles and responsibilities.

HPSS 3060 Nutrition for Health, Fitness & Sport (3) This course provides a thorough introduction to the fundamental principles of human nutrition and their application in health, fitness, athletics, wellness and lifestyle diseases.

HPSS 3070 Health Instruction for the School (3). A course designed to familiarize the students with the basic principles and concepts of constructing unit and lesson plans in health education, and utilizing materials and aids in grades K-12 from the conceptual approach to curriculum design.

HPSS 3080 Officiating Techniques (2). A course designed to teach the techniques of officiating for selected sports; and to provide practical experiences through officiating in selected activities.

HPSS 3100 Concepts of Games and Play (3). A course designed to offer the major theory and practice in exploratory experiences, lead-up activities, low organized games (for classroom, gymnasium, out-of doors), drills, and self-testing activities primarily for use in elementary physical education programs. A study of factors that make up desirable elementary physical education programs will be included. Suggestions as to how these activities may be adapted to use at secondary levels and in recreational situations will be discussed. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program.

HPSS 3130 Kinesiology (3). A course designed to study muscles and their role in the science of human motion. This course is based on anatomical and mechanical principles with emphasis on the analysis of human movements in games, sports, other physical education skills, and basic movement activities. Laboratory experiences will also be provided to augment kinesiological concepts covered. Prerequisites: 2310.

HPSS 3140 Physiology of Exercise (3). A course designed to combine several science disciplines, neuromuscular activities, circulation and respiratory, metabolism, environmental aspects of exercise, fatigue and training, health and physical fitness. The course will describe and explain the functional responses and adaptations that accompany single and repeated bouts of physical exercise. Laboratory experiences will also be provided to augment concepts covered. Prerequisites: HPSS 2310 or BIOL 221 and 222.

HPSS 3180 Health Fitness Assessment and Program Design (3). A course designed to introduce the latest exercise programs: Pilates, Yoga, Water Aerobics, and Aerobic Exercises. This course will focus on functional assessment tools, exercise prescription, and the role of physical fitness in achieving levels of health and fitness for all ages. It includes laboratory work to help develop effective group and individual client programs. Prerequisites: HPSS 2310, 2320, 2330

HPSS 3190 Adult Fitness (2). A course designed to introduce concepts about health-related physical fitness and to establish, through contemporary research evidence, the connections between physical fitness and wellness; lifestyle choices and behaviors. Wellness is a global concept that emphasizes self-responsibility for achieving an optimal state of health and well-being. This course will focus upon the role of physical fitness in a wellness lifestyle for all age levels.

HPSS 3200 Sport Psychology (3). Examines fundamental theories of psychology applied to sports organization, management, participation and influence of the major players in sports: organizers, administrators, coaches, athletes, family and spectators. It emphasizes theories of learning and principles of behavioral change, the effects of motivation, personality, attitudes, competition and group dynamics on sport performance, as well as the psychological effects of exercise, exercise adherence, and addiction as it relates to human performance.

HPSS 3230 Modern Dance: Techniques and Composition (2). A course which includes intermediate to advanced modern dance techniques and an introduction to the choreography process. Elective for majors and non-majors with previous experience in modern dance. Prerequisites: HPER 1012 or, HPSS 2225-2227.

HPSS 3240 Tap Dance: Technique and Choreography (2). A course which includes intermediate and advanced experiences. Elective for majors and non-majors with previous experience in tap dance. Prerequisites: HPER 1042 or, HPSS 2228.

HPSS 3260 Rhythmic Performance Groups (2).   A course designed to give the student advanced techniques in ballet as well as prepare them for theory and training related to performance groups; Prerequisites: HPER 1012, or HPER 1042, or HPER 2225-7.

HPSS 3265 Rhythmic Performance Group (2). A course designed to give the student advanced techniques in modern dance as well as prepare them for theory and training related to performance groups. Prerequisites: HPER 1012, or HPER 1042, or HPER 2225.

HPSS 3266 Rhythmic Performance group (2). A course designed to give the student advanced techniques in jazz dance as well as prepare them for theory and training related to performance groups. Prerequisites: HPER 1012, or HPER 1042, or HPER 2225.

HPSS 3267 Rhythmic Performance Group (2). A course designed to give the student advanced techniques in tap as well as prepare them for theory and training related to dance performance groups. Prerequisites: HPER 1012, or HPER 1042, or HPER 2225.

HPSS 3300 Advanced Weight Training (3). A course designed to introduce knowledge, skills, and abilities required to increase muscle endurance, muscle strength, and muscle definition. Prerequisites: HPER 1030 or approval of instructor.

HPSS 3310 Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education (3). A course which acquaints students with knowledge, skills, and abilities required to administer fitness assessments, as well as standard testing procedures available in physical education, exercise science, sports, and dance.

HPSS 3320 Life Guarding and Advanced Swimming (3). A course designed to review, develop, and coordinate different swimming strokes, water safety skills, and techniques in aquatics. CPR/AED, First Aid, and Life Guarding certification from the American Red Cross may be earned through successful completion of the course. Prerequisite: HPER 1011 or with instructor’s permission.

HPSS 3330 Principles of Resistance Training (3) A course designed to introduce the correct teaching and safety techniques, as well as strategies for developing muscular strength, muscular endurance, muscular power, and muscle mass with resistance loads of machines, free weights, and universal gym. Laboratory exercises require application of theories to strength assessment, program design, periodization, and evaluation of training programs. Prerequisites: HPSS 2310, 2320, 2330

HPSS 3340 History and Philosophy of Physical Education (3). A basic survey of the history of physical education. It provides orientation in the essential unity of the educational process in the field of physical education, and it provides a foundation for philosophy, principles, curriculum, organization and administration methods and trends of modern physical education.

HPSS 3350 Lifespan Motor Development (2). A course structured to identify basic principles of physical education which serve as guidelines for action by prospective teachers in planning for teaching and in deciding what and how to teach.

HPSS 3450 Pharmacology (3). The study of drugs (prescription and non-prescription), pharmacological applications, including awareness of indications, contraindications, precautions, and drug interactions. This course will also include government regulations relevant to treatment of the physically active.

HPSS 3460 Lower Extremity Injury Assessment & Clinical (3). This course covers the application of anatomy, pathomechanics, and athletic training injury evaluation techniques and principles of the lower body. The clinical portion will provide laboratory applications of athletic training injury evaluation techniques and principles of the lower body.

HPSS 3470 Upper Extremity Injury Assessment & Clinical (3). This course covers the application of anatomy, pathomechanics, and athletic training injury evaluation techniques and principles of the upper body. The clinical portion provides laboratory applications of athletic training injury evaluation techniques and principles of the upper body.

HPSS 3530 Leadership Principles (3). A course designed to equip the student to manage and supervise sport and recreation programs. It provides the opportunity to apply program planning skills and leadership techniques in a selected sport and recreation agencies.

HPSS 3550 Principles of Sport Fitness (3). This course covers the scientific training principles that must be utilized to improve conditioning and performance. The theory and practice of training for basic fitness or for specific sports with views on how athletes train to improve sport participation and performance will be discussed. This course is designed for health professionals, physical education teachers, coaches, and other individuals who desire to know how to plan and manage effective fitness-training ­programs.

HPSS 3600 First Aid & CPR and Instructor Training (3). Designed to prepare the student to become an Instructor of American Red Cross courses in First Aid and CPR Prerequisites: HEA 206, and/or current American Red Cross First Aid and CPR certifications.

HPSS 3630 Outdoor Education (3). A course designed to develop practical outdoor skills through direct experiences including: cooking skills, camp site selection, hiking skills, compass reading, rock climbing, tenting, and aquatic skills.

HPSS 3710 Curriculum & Methods in Physical Education (3). A course that utilizes principles and practices used to design instructions and experiences in program content. Exploration of teaching methods used to design developmentally appropriate content for students in K-12 physical education programs. Focus will be on implementation of lifetime physical education concepts which utilize teaching with skill themes, movement concepts, fitness/wellness, and sport skills to inspire students to remain physically active as adults. Observations in elementary and secondary schools required. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education.

HPSS 3720 Methods and Material of Health Education (3). A course designed to prepare prospective health educators to teach using an organized, sequential K-12 plan with information and skills theory need to become health-literate, to maintain and improve their health, to prevent disease, and to reduce risky health-related behaviors. Special emphasis will be placed on developing age appropriate lesson plans for health classes. Observations are required in elementary and secondary schools. Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education.

HPSS 3730 Clinical Classroom Experience (2). Clinical, pre-student teaching experience in K-12 physical education settings. Pedagogical skills learned in PE 201, 203, 204, and 270 will be refined and implemented in teaching sport skills, fitness, movement, and wellness. Teacher candidates will be working in small groups and large group settings. Clinical practice / field experiences will be required in selected elementary and secondary schools (PDS partners). Prerequisite: PE 270.

HPSS 3750 Sociological Implications of Sports (3). A course that deals with sociological perspectives of sports in society, theoretical bases for understanding how sports affect society and the worlds of sports. There will be some concern with issues related to gender, race, culture, politics, economics, and research in sports.

HPSS 4005 Current Issues (3). Covers a diverse selection of issues and complex problems that confront physical education and sport. Efforts will be made to encourage independence of thought and stimulate new insights. Emphasis will be placed on the preparation of PETE and HETE Teacher Candidate for the PRAXIS examination and editing student portfolios.

HPSS 4006 Current Issues (3). Covers a diverse selection of issues and complex problems that confront physical education and sport. Efforts will be made to encourage independence of thought and stimulate new insights.

HPSS 4007 Current Issues (3). Covers a diverse selection of issues and complex problems that confront physical education and sport. Efforts will be made to encourage independence of thought and stimulate new insights. Emphasis will be placed on preparing Athletic Training majors for the NATA certification examination and editing student portfolios.

HPSS 4020 Mgmt., Org. of HPER & Sport (3). A course which aims to provide instruction in organizational, administrative, supervisory, and leadership procedures utilized in HPER. Basic Skills and techniques required to prepare students to administer programs in schools, parks, health agencies, intramurals, and athletics are emphasized.

HPSS 4030 Educating Students with Disabilities (3). A course designed to assist students in acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to enable them to provide physical education programming for handicapped children in the least restrictive environment. Students are required to travel to off-campus sites for practicum experiences. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program.

HPSS 4090 Drug Education (3). A course designed to present general and specific knowledge of the avoidance, use and abuse of substances. This course includes substance effects, dependence, habituation, addiction, abuse, classification of abused drugs, treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.

HPSS 4150 Elements of School and Sport Law (3). Investigation and analysis of the law and legal issues in schools for physical educators, coaches, and fitness trainers; topics include negligence theory; common defenses; product liability; contract law, constitutional law, and sport litigation.

HPSS 4240 Coaching Court Sports (2). A course that provides an examination and study of the rules, methods of organizing practice, and management of teams; team offense and defense, strategy, and philosophy of coaching for court sports (e.g.: Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis).

HPSS 4250 Coaching Field Sports (2). A course that provides an examination and study of the rules, methods of organizing practice, and management of teams; team offense and defense, strategy, and philosophy of coaching (e.g.: Football, Soccer, Baseball & Softball).

HPSS 4260 Coaching Individual Sports (2). A course that provides an examination and study of the rules, methods of organizing practice, and management of athletes; offense and defense, strategy, and philosophy of coaching (e.g., Aquatics, Track & Field, Golf).

HPSS 4340 Planning Special Events and Demonstrations (2). A course that provides instructional planning for prospective teachers, physical fitness trainers, aquatics directors, and other exercise program providers. Practical methods for planning, directing, and producing demonstrational and school events related to instructional programs in the school, or activity programs in institutions are emphasized.

HPSS 4360 Water Safety Instructor (3). A course designed to train instructor candidates to teach effectively the safety procedures, skills and knowledge of the American Red Cross courses in aquatics. Prerequisites: HPER 1011 and PE 202 or competency.

HPSS 4505 Senior Project Writing (3). A course designed to instruct students in basic independent research skills. Students are to select an area of interest, select a method of investigation, gather and analyze data, and state conclusions based on the information obtained from the study in a written terminal project. It is required of all HPSS majors.

HPSS 4506 B Senior Project Writing (3). A course designed for teacher candidates to fully develop their professional portfolio. Students are to select an academic area of interest, construct the requisite curriculum, gather and integrate support materials, and state learning goals and objectives based on the curriculum developed. This will be a cumulative project presented in a written and oral form to the faculty. It is required of all Physical Education and Health Education-Teacher Education majors.

HPSS 4720 Enhanced Student Teaching (K-12) (9). A course designed to provide supervised student teaching in physical education in an elementary and secondary school placement. Emphasis is on the design of units, lesson plans, assessments, and teaching techniques designed in concert with an experienced teacher who will mentor and assist as student’s work in the classroom.

HPSS 4730 Field Experience (3-9). This is a supervised field experience in one or more of the following professional settings: physical fitness leadership, administration, sports management, health promotion, and recreation. The internship required 150 hours per semester at 10 hours each week.


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Human Performance and Sports Sciences