TSU Engineering Alumni Scholarship Endowment


Give Now - Make your online gift today !

The Endowment

engage The TSU College of Engineering Alumni Endowment Fund was established by the TSUEAA to provide financial aid to the students of the TSU College of Engineering. Each year this fund provides the University's engineering scholars (and future TSU College of Engineering alums) thousands of dollars of scholarships to aid these young engineers-to-be in their quest for technical academic excellence.

Your giving and participation today in the endowment will do just that -- advance technical excellence at TSU.  Give today and inspire many other young men and women into the field of engineering at TSU!

TSU Engineering Alumni Association

TSUEAA exists to promote and celebrate Tennessee State University's College of Engineering and the many alumni it has produced during its sixty-plus-year legacy of excellence in technical education. 

 Become a member today!