Computer and Information Systems Engineering

Frances Williams, Ph.D., Coordinator
230 E Andrew P. Torrence Hall
(615) 963-4924

Computer and Information Systems Engineering Ph.D.
Computer and Information Systems Engineering M.S.


1. Computer Communication and Networks
2. Control System and Signal Processing
3. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program in Computer and Information Systems Engineering (CISE) is a unique interdisciplinary program. It integrates the strengths of various disciplines of computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical/manufacturing engineering, information systems, and systems engineering. The program further provides advanced knowledge and research experiences in the following concentration areas;

     1. Computer Communication and Networks

     2. Control System and Signal Processing

     3. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing


1. The primary goal of the Ph.D. program in Computer and Information Systems Engineering at Tennessee State University is to prepare its graduates with expertise in systems engineering approach to the development of computer based information and manufacturing systems.

2. To offer an outstanding and unique interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree program that is research-based and builds upon the educational and research expertise of existing faculty in the three concentrations and related areas.

3. To address the critical shortage of teaching and research faculty in the areas of computer communication and networks, control system and signal processing, and robotics and computer integrated manufacturing.

Admission Procedure

All students applying for admission must submit to the Graduate School: a completed Graduate Admission Application form, two copies of transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended, and three letters of recommendation.

Admission Requirements

For admission to the Ph.D. in CISE program, the student must have a:

1. A Bachelor of Science degree in engineering or computer science from an accredited program or a Master of Science in CISE, or a Master of Engineering or a M. S. degree in a closely related area.

2. Student with a B.S. degree and/or Masters degree(s) from foreign universities must submit a Certificate of Proficiency in English or a minimum score of 550 or equivalent on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

3. In addition to the above, the student must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 or above on a 4.00 scale for a B.S. degree graduate while a Master of Engineering or a Master of Science in CISE or a closely related M.S. degree graduate must have a 3.30 grade point average on a 4.00 scale. In addition the student must have above average grades in all of the prerequisite courses in related mathematics, engineering science, communication systems, computer hardware and computer science courses. If an evaluation of a student‘s transcripts reveals course or prerequisite deficiencies, the student must eliminate all deficiencies by satisfactorily completing each of the prerequisite courses prescribed before unconditional status is achieved and before completing nine (9) graduate credit hours. Student must file a letter of intent to pursue the Ph.D. degree to the Coordinator of the Ph. D. program after receiving unconditional status. None of the courses used to eliminate undergraduate deficiencies will be used to meet degree requirements.

4. To apply for graduate admission, complete the Graduate Student Profile at: You will then be directed to:

  • Complete the EngineeringCAS Online Application
  • Pay the application fee directly to EngineeringCAS (not TSU),
  • Submit an official transcript to EngineeringCAS (you may upload an unofficial transcript as a pre-screening),
  • List three references and their email address (they will be sent a reference form).

Transfer Credits

Transfer students with Masters degrees and beyond may transfer up to a maximum of 24 credit hours of equivalent courses towards required and/or elective courses.

Major Advisor

Initially the Coordinator of the Ph.D. program will serve as an academic advisor for all new students entering the program. Each student in the Ph.D. program is expected to select a major advisor by the beginning of the second year. All major advisors must hold tenure or tenure-track full-time graduate faculty positions.

Ph.D. Advisory Committee

A Ph.D. Advisory Committee will consist of four (4) graduate faculty from the student‘s program with the major advisor as its chairperson. The Ph.D. Advisory Committee will be recommended by the major advisor, with input from the student, to the Coordinator of the Ph.D. program, for approval by the Dean of the College of Engineering and the Dean of Graduate Studies. Upon the student‘s completion of core courses and selection of a concentration, this Ph.D. Advisory Committee will review the student‘s prior transcripts, evaluate and recommend any transfer credits, and prepare a program of study for approval by the Coordinator of the Ph.D. program and the Dean of College of Engineering before submission to the Dean of Graduate Studies. The Committee will supervise the student‘s program, administer dissertation review and approval, and finally recommend the awarding of the degree.


Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 or better on the scale of 4.00, and pass all pass/fail courses throughout the program to remain in good academic standing.

Students must have a grade of B or better in all core courses and may not have more than two C grades in other courses used to meet degree requirements. After completion of nine (9) semester hours of graduate work, if the student‘s cumulative GPA at the end of a given semester falls below 3.00, the student will be placed on academic probation for the next semester and must satisfy the existing University requirements to return to good academic standing. Students may be dismissed from the program upon recommendation of the Ph.D. Advisory Committee for continued probation beyond two consecutive semesters.

Comprehensive Written Examination

This is a written examination designed to evaluate the student‘s readiness to advance to candidacy status. It is scheduled after the student has met all of the core courses and major area required and elective course requirements specified in the student‘s program of study and upon the recommendation of the student‘s major advisor. The comprehensive examination committee will develop the written examination. This is an ad hoc committee consisting of at least three (3) graduate faculty in the program and is appointed by the Coordinator of the Ph.D. program in CISE, upon the recommendation of the major advisor. This committee will determine the passing performance and inform the student, the Coordinator, and the student‘s major advisor of the final outcome of the examination. The comprehensive written examination will consist of questions from the core, the student‘s area of study and the knowledge considered essential background for the dissertation research.

Students who pass the comprehensive written examination and meet all other requirements for candidacy for the Ph.D. degree in CISE will receive written confirmation of the status of their candidacy from the Dean of Graduate School. Students who fail the examination may take it again after at least one semester. Students who fail the examination after two attempts will be dropped from the program. Students in the Ph.D. program with good standing who do not plan to pursue the Ph.D. degree may seek to meet the M.S. in CISE or the Master of Engineering degree requirements of the University.

Oral Defense of Dissertation Proposal

Admission to Candidacy for Ph.D. Degree in CISE Admission to candidacy for Ph.D. degree in CISE will require compliance with all existing Graduate School policies such as;

1. Completion of all core and concentration courses approved for the student‘s program of study.

2. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better,

3. Successful passing of Comprehensive Written Examination, and

4. Successful oral defense of dissertation proposal.

Degree Requirements

The student must successfully complete the approved program of study with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.

1. After the approval of the dissertation proposal, student must complete dissertation research and submit completed dissertation to the advisory committee for approval.

2. Upon approval by the advisory committee and the graduate school, the student must defend the research before the advisory committee and a public seminar before the faculty, students, alumni and/or industrial representatives.

3. Upon successful defense of research, presentation of the written dissertation, and approval by the Coordinator of the Ph.D. program and the Graduate School, the major advisor with the consent of the Ph.D. Advisory Committee will initiate recommendation for awarding of the degree.

Other Requirements

Other requirements such as residency, maximum class load, transfer of credits, time limits for credits and preparation of dissertation will comply with all existing policies of the University, the College of Engineering, and the Graduate School as listed in the Graduate Catalog.

Curriculum Description

This program requires a minimum of seventy-two (72) graduate semester credit hours beyond the bachelor‘s degree for the Ph.D. degree in CISE. Students with master‘s degree in a related field may transfer up to a maximum of 24 semester credit hours of the equivalent courses for this degree. However, if a student lacks certain prerequisites or course requirements, the student may be asked to take additional courses before the required graduate courses. The program in CISE is unique and interdisciplinary because it has a core requirement that provides the necessary foundation to computer based systems integration.

Program of Study

The curriculum consists of 51 credit hours of course work and 21 credit hours of research dissertation. The course work consists of eighteen (18) credit hours of core courses and eighteen (18) credit hours of concentration, and fifteen (15) credit hours of guided electives. All graduate students must attend graduate seminars for at least two semesters.

Required Core Courses (18 semester credit hours)

CISE 5010 Data Structures and Algorithms

CISE 5020 Computer Architecture and Operating Systems

CISE 5030 Software Systems Design

CISE 5040 Systems Engineering

CISE 5220 Computer Aided Systems Design

CISE 5230 Computer Communications and Networks I







Concentration and Electives (33 semester credit hours)

Suggested courses in each of the three areas of concentration to be selected by student‘s Ph.D. Advisory Committee and approved by the Program Coordinator and the Dean of the College of Engineering.

Computer Communication and Networks

CISE 5110 Intro. to Artificial Intelligence

CISE 5200 Probability, Random Processes and Estimation Theory

CISE 5240 Management of Information Systems

CISE 6000 Database Management Systems

CISE 6100 Optimization in Operations Research

CISE 6340 Computer Communication and Networks II

CISE 6360 Distributed Computing Theory and Design

CISE 6440 Numerical Visualization

CISE 7100 System Modeling and Simulation

CISE 7300 Network Programming

CISE 7310 Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engr.

CISE 7340 High Performance Computing Applications

CISE 7350 Network Security and Risk Analysis

CISE 7370 Optical Communication

EECE 5230 Digital Image Processing

ENGR 5070 Object Oriented Programming for Engrs.

















Control System and Signal Processing

CISE 5110 Intro. to Artificial Intelligence

CISE 5300 Fundamentals of Robotics

EECE 5220 Modern Signal Processing

EECE 5230 Digital Image Processing I

EECE 5640 Advanced Topics in Control Systems

EECE 6220 Robust Control Theory

EECE 6230 Nonlinear Control Systems

EECE 6250 Digital Spectral Analysis

EECE 6260 Pattern Recognition and Classification

EECE 7200 Statistical Signal Processing

EECE 7220 Intelligent Control Systems

EECE 7230 Adaptive Filtering and Stochastic Control Systems

CISE 7240 Computer Vision

CISE 7420 Advanced Robotics

CISE 7450 A. I. Robotics

ENGR 5100 Methods of Applied Math for Engr.

ENGR 5070 Object Oriented Programming for Engr.

ENGR 5200 Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Sys.

CISE 7506 Special Topics




















Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing

MEEN 5010 Introduction to Manufacturing

MEEN 5040 Vibration Analysis

MEEN 5130 Flexible Manufacturing Systems

MEEN 5430 Intro. to Computational Fluid Dynamics

MEEN 5610 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

MEEN 5620 Design for Manufacturability

MEEN 5630 Manufacturing Quality Control and Management

MEEN 5640 Manufacturing Modeling and Simulation

MEEN 5650 Predictive and Preventive Maintenance

MEEN 5660 Concurrent Manufacturing

ENGR 5100 Methods of Applied Math for Engineers.

ENGR 5070 Object Oriented Programming for Engr.

ENGR 5200 Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Syst.

CISE 5300 Fundamentals of Robotics

CISE 6400 Fundamentals of Robotics in Manufacturing

MEEN 6430 Manufacturing Diagnosis and Prognosis Tech.

CISE 6440 Numerical Visualization

MEEN 6450 Transport Phenomena in Manufacturing

CISE 7420 Advanced Robotics

CISE 7430 Mechatronics Systems

CISE 7450 A.I. Robotics

CISE 7507 Special Topics























Ph.D. Dissertation (21 semester credit hours)

CISE 7900 Ph.D. Dissertation


Seminar (0 semester credit hours registration for two semesters is required)

CISE 7600 Seminar





The Master of Science degree program in Computer and Information Systems Engineering is designed to meet the needs of information industry by preparing its graduates with background in computer hardware, computer software and systems approach to the design and development of computer integrated systems.

The Master of Science degree requires: admission of all degree seeking students to candidacy for the degree after completion of all prerequisites identified at the time of initial admission and the completion of nine (9) required graduate credit hours in residence at the university; a minimum of thirty (30) graduate semester hours of course work, including at least eighteen (18) credit hours of required core courses, six (6) credit hours of thesis, and six (6) credit hours of electives to be chosen from a list of courses and with the consent of the advisor and the approval of the department head.

Substitution within the core courses may be permitted with the consent of the advisor and approval of the department head.

Admission Requirements

The program provides opportunities for students from electrical or other engineering fields, computer science, and business majors to pursue this degree through different levels of admission status.

For admission to the M.S. in CISE program, the student must have B. S. degree in Electrical Engineering, or other engineering disciplines or computer science from an accredited program.

For unconditional admission, the student must also have the necessary prerequisite courses and a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 or above out of 4.00.

Conditional Admission: Since this is an interdisciplinary program, student‘s previous preparation in the basic and engineering sciences, electrical engineering and computer science must reflect successful completion of basic sciences and differential equations, numerical analysis, linear algebra, probability and statistics, engineering design and engineering economics, circuit theory, analog and digital electronics, communication theory, advanced programming, data structures and operating systems, computer networks or their equivalents. If an evaluation of the student‘s transcripts shows prerequisite deficiencies, or a cumulative GPA between 2.75 to 3.0, the student will be eligible for conditional admission. Students with a B. S. degree in Business or other related science areas with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above will be eligible for conditional admission. Also, students with a B.S. degree in engineering with a cumulative GPA between 2.50 to 2.74 and a passing score of 70 in Fundamentals of Engineering will be eligible for conditional admission. Students with exceptional experience in this field will be considered on an individual basis.

Admission to Candidacy

The university policy for admission to candidacy will be followed. However, students admitted conditionally must remove all deficiencies with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 in undergraduate prerequisite courses and accumulate no more than 9 graduate credits before achieving unconditional status.


Courses Required - 24 credit hours

CISE 5010 Data Structures and Algorithms

CISE 5020 Computer Architecture & Operating System

CISE 5030 Software Systems Design

CISE 5040 Systems Engineering

CISE 5220 Computer Aided System Design

CISE 5230 Computer Communication and Networks

CISE 5905 Master of Science Thesis I

CISE 5906 Master of Science Thesis II









Two Electives from the list below with the consent of advisor - 6 credit hours

CISE 5060 Error Control Codes

CISE 5110 Intro. to Artificial Intelligence

CISE 5240 Management of Information Systems

CISE 5300 Fundamentals of Robotics

CISE 5400 Special Topics in CISE

CISE 6100 Optimization in Operations Research

CISE 6360 Distributed Computing Theory & Design








Electives will be selected with the consent of the advisor and approval by the department head.



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Computer and Information Systems