Harassment Tips

How Can I Tell is Certain Behavior is Sexual Harassment?

Some men and women are confused as to what behaviors constitute sexual harassment.  The following questions may be especially helpful in assessing one’s own behavior:

  • Would I mind if someone treated my wife/husband, partner, girlfriend/boyfriend, mother/father, sister/brother, or daughter/son this way?
  • Would I mind if this person told my wife/husband, partner, girlfriend/boyfriend, mother/father, sister/brother, or daughter/son about what I was saying or doing?
  • Would I do this if my wife/husband, partner, girlfriend/boyfriend, mother/father, sister/brother, or daughter/son were present?
  • Would I mind if a reporter wanted to write about what I was saying or doing?
  • If I ask someone for a date, and the answer is “no”, do I keep asking?
  • If someone asks me to stop a particular behavior, do I get angry and do more of the same instead of apologizing and stopping?
  • Do I tell jokes or make “funny” remarks involving the opposite sex and/or sexuality? (Such jokes may offend many people.)

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the chances of the behavior being considered sexual harassment are very high.  Because such behavior is likely to be high risk, if you have to ask, it is probably better not to do it.






                                                          ~  Adapted from an article by Bernice R. Sandler



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