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Web Technical Support Log
Created by Phil Yan, Webmaster at TSU Library
Ticket # |
Time-In | Time-Out |
Requested by |
Dept |
Solution |
Comments |
0729201301 | 07/29 | 07/29 | Nancy Henthorne | Reference | Made updates | Need to update web content of their section | /library/publicservices/interlibrary_loan.aspx |
0729201302 | 07/29 | 07/29 | Nancy Henthorne | Reference | Made the change | Need to delete info | http://library3.tnstate.edu/library/Illiad/Service_Tips.htm |
0729201303 | 07/29 | 07/29 | Nancy Henthorne | Reference | Contact JSTOr Support, Clear history/cookies | remote proxy error | |
0730201301 | 07/30 | 07/30 | Vanessa | Software | Done | Add New DB |
http://www.librarymusicsource.com |
0730201302 | 07/30 | 07/31 | Kenerson | Dean | Made change | content | /library/policies/circulation_and_reserves.aspx |
0730201303 | 07/31 | 07/31 | Phil | Webmaster | fixed | bad URL | http://0-solomon.bltc.alexanderstreet.com.sultan.tnstate.edu/ |
08012013 | 08/1 | 08/1 | Kenerson | MGNT | Schedule Change | update |
/library/documents/August%202013%20Library%20Schedule.pdf |
0805201301 | 08/05 | 08/05 | Alvin G. | MGMT | updated | New URL |
http://search.alexanderstreet.com/vast |
08072013 | 08/07 | 08/07 | Joyce | AW Lib | created | art page | /library/avonwilliamslibrary/heard.aspx |
08132013 | 08/13 | 08/13 | Kenerson | MGMT | Updated | Change | /library/documents/August%202013%20Library%20Schedule.pdf |
080782013 | 08/07 | 08/14 | Kenerson | MGMT | Reformat | Changed | http://library3.tnstate.edu/library/milcat/databases_subject.htm |
08142013 | 08/14 | 08/14 | Joyce | AW Lib | Heard Bio | Uploaded | /library/documents/Darrell_Keith_Heard.pdf |
08152013 | 08/05 | 08/14 | Tec_C | MGMT | SearchBox | Created | |
0816201301 | 08/16 | 08/16 | Kenerson | MGMT | CONT update | updated | /library/generalinformation/staff.aspx |
0816201302 | 08/16 | 08/16 | Van | Serials | Typo | Corrected | /library/ |
08202013 | 08/16 | 08/20 | Tec C. | MGMT | Lib Page/Nav | Created | www.tnstate.edu/library/mockup/mockup.aspx |
0820201302 | 08/16 | 08/20 | Tec C. | MGMT | Search Modify | Modified | |
08262013 | 08/26 | 08/26 | Kenerson | MGMT | DB Addition | Added | http://library3.tnstate.edu/library/milcat/databases.htm |
08282013 | 08/28 | 08/28 | Kenerson | MGMT | WAM Statistics | Update | /library/generalinformation/web_access_management_Reports.aspx |
0903201301 | 09/03 | 09/03 | Kenerson | MGMT | Schedule | update | /library/ |
0903201302 | 08/15 | 09/03 | Tec C | MGMT | Search Box | Update | /library/ |
0905201301 | 09/09 | 09/09 | Alvin G. | Trial DB | Addition | Added | |
0905201302 | 09/05 | 09/20 | Web | DB Pages | Create | Migrate | /library/ |
0906201301 | 09/06 | 09/20 | Tec C | MGMT | Search Box | Migrate | /library/ |
0918201301 | 09/18 | 09/18 | Circulation | Barbara | DB Down | Network | /library/ |
0910201301 | 09/10 | 09/20 | Tec C | MGMT | Search Box | IT Debug | /library/ |
0930201301 | 09/30 | 0930 | Van | Trial DB | Add | New | /library/ |
1001201301 | 10/01 | 10/02 | Joyce | Artists | Add | AW Art Page | /library/ |
1004201301 | 10/04 | 10/04 | BC | Database | Content | Addition | /library/ |
1007201301 | 10/07 | 10/07 | Tec C | MGMT | DB Testing | Tested | /library/ |
1008201301 | 10/08 | 10/08 | Tec C | Debug | DB URLs | Fixed | /library/ |
1009201301 | 10/09 | 10/09 | Tec. C | MGMT | R Guides | Updates | /library/ |
1010201301 | 10/10 | 10/10 | Tec. C | M.K. | Sultan Server | Debug | sultan.tnstate.edu |
1010201302 | 10/10 | 10/10 | AG | Database | Trial DB | Update | /library/ |
1010201303 | 10/10 | 10/10 | M.K. | Database | Subject | Addition | |
10142013 | 10/14 | 10/14 | MGMT | Trial DB | Update | /library/ | |
10162013 | 10/16 | 10/16 | MGMT | Databases | Debug | /library/ | |
1018201301 | 10/18 | 10/18 | Tec C | Search Box | Testing | Tested | /library/mockup2/all.aspx |
1024201301 | 10/24 | 10/24 | MGMT | Databases | Addition | Added | /library/ |
1028201301 | 10/28 | 10/28 | MGMT | Web | Debug | fixed | /library/ |
11012013 | 11/01 | 11/01 | MGMT | Database | Cookie | Fixed | /library/ |
11062013 | 11/06 | 11/06 | MGMT | DB Debug | URL | Browser | /library/ |
1112201301 | 11/12 | 11/12 | Tec. C | Testing | Web Front | OK | /library/ |
11152013 | 11/15 | 11/15 | Langer | NetAdvan | URL Error | Browser Issue | /library/ |
1119201301 | 11/19 | 11/19 | MGMT | DB Debug | Scifinder | Changes | /library/ |
1120201301 | 11/20 | 11/20 | MGMT | III | Scifinder | Consult | /library/ |
1121201301 | 11/21 | 11/21 | AW | Art | pictures | edited | /library/ |
1122201301 | 11/22 | 11/22 | AW | Art | bio | uploaded | /library/ |
1126201301 | 11/26 | 11/26 | Van | Trial DB | Addition | Added | /library/ |
1126201302 | 11/26 | 11/26 | Joyce | Art AW | Adjust | Adjusted | /library/ |
1126201303 | 11/26 | 11/26 | Murle | Animation | Add | Added | /library/ |
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