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African-American History and Culture
The Brown-Daniel Library supports research in African American Studies in several formats and provides an abundance of resources. Please initiate your research strategy by reviewing the Research Guide to African American Studies.
Here are some other resources:
Books in all formats, videos, and articles can be accessed via the online catalog (Encore) by title, author, subject or keyword.
E-Book Collection provides access to electronic books in African-American history and culture. You can read these books from your dorm rooms, library, home or anywhere in the world. The records for all books are found in the online catalog.
Black Thought and Culture (Selected Electronic Books) provides access to 1303 sources with 1210 leading African American authors.
The African American Almanac and Who’s Who in Black America are found on the E-Books webpage and in the online catalog.
- Academic Search Premier
- African American Biographical Database
- African American Experience
- African American Music Reference
- African American Newspapers, 1827-1998
- Alexander Street Literature(contains collections on Black Literature & Folklore, Black Women Writers and Caribbean Literature)
- Black Drama
- Black Studies Center (Proquest))
- Ethnic NewsWatch )
- H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online
- Oxford African American Studies Center
Slavery in America and the World:
History, Culture & Law - Twentieth Century African American Poetry
- Black Resources including a PowerPoint Presentation about Martin Luther King, Jr. .
- Black Facts Online
- Hip Hop Libguide
- Academic Video (contains 337 Black Studies videos)
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