
Early Registration Deadline: August 24, 2012

student on campus

The registration cost for the conference is $295 if you register by August 24, 2012 and $345.00 after August 24, 2012.

The registration fee includes:

  • Conference materials
  • Educational Tours
  • Short courses
  • Meals

Fill out the conference registration form, print and send it with your check, money order, or cashier's cheque (made payable to Tennessee State University) attention to:

Linda Buchanan
Tennessee State University
P.O. Box 9543
Nashville, TN 37209
Telephone: (615) 963-1827

If you are paying for the conference using your credit card, you need to:

    Call (615) 963-5600.
    Give the code: 6th National Small Farm Conference.

Provide the following information:

  •         your name & mailing address;
  •         name of the credit card (VISA, MasterCard, etc. ; Discover Card is not accepted);
  •         expiration date; and
  •         the amount to be charged to your card.


** You need the free Adobe Reader to access the exhibitors registration form.
If you do not have it installed on your computer, you can download it now.


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