About C.A.R.E.S

Center on Aging: Research and Education Services


A Message from the College of Public Service 

As we embark upon 30 years of excellence at the Center on Aging, we are excited about our expanded focus, new endeavors and meeting relevant needs and opportunities.  Over the last 30 years the Center on Aging has provided the Elder Abuse Institute in an effort to address the critical needs of one of the most vulnerable populations, older adults.  In this same vein, TSU CARES will be working with public, private, and non-profit community members and organizations to improve the quality of life for older adults with our expansion and renewed focus.  Our strategic direction and goals will guide our vision and mission as we work collaboratively to improve community outreach, fundraising, and engage in rigorous research.  We would like to thank the community and our community partners for embracing TSU CARES and invite you to collaborate with us.

Our History: Initiated and authored by Representatives Harold Love Sr. and Rufus Jones, House Bill No. 266 established in 1989, addressed problems related to assessing elder abuse in Davidson and Wilson counties.  The goal was to research abuse and neglect among the aging community, to identify and recognize elder abuse and implement advocacy programs for one of the most vulnerable populations. House Bill No. 266 also known as The Center on Aging within Tennessee State University, worked diligently to provide services to the local community through various projects and activities, including the annual Elder Abuse Institute.

Our Mission: To understand and promote, through rigorous research, education, and practice, the quality of life and aging process over the lifespan of individuals in our local community and state.









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sociology social work and urban professions