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Undergraduate Course Listing

Biology (BIOL)

For all classes that have laboratory components, students must register for the laboratory in the same semester that they register for the lecture class.


BIOL 1010, 1011 and 1020, 1021 Introductory Biology I, II and Laboratory (4, 4) (Formerly BIO 1010, 1011 and 1020, 1021). An interdisciplinary course for non-science majors involving the principles of mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology. The objective of the course is to integratethe areas as they are related to living organisms. Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week.


BIOL 1012, 1013 and 1022, 1023 Honors Introductory Biology I, II and Laboratory (4, 4). Honors version of BIOL 1010, 1011, 1020, 1021. Courses limited to students in University Honors College.


BIOL 1110, 1111 and 1120, 1121 General Biology I, II and Laboratory (4, 4). A general biology course for science majors that covers structure, function, and life characteristics of organisms. The objective of the course is to provide students a survey of living organisms and the processes required for life.


BIOL 1112, 1113 and 1122, 1123 Honors General Biology I, II and Laboratory (4, 4) Honors version of BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121. Course limited to students in University Honors College.


BIOL 2110, 2111 Cell Biology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 211, 211L). Structure and function of cells and their components. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121.


BIOL 2120, 2121 Principles of Genetics and Laboratory (4). An introduction to genetics, including classical and modern approaches, the laws of heredity, the role of heredity in developmental physiology, and the relation between heredity and evolution. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121.


BIOL 2210, 2211 and 2220, 2221 Human Anatomy and Physiology and Laboratory (4, 4) (Formerly BIO 221, 221L and 222, 222L). The fundamentals of the structure, function, and organization of the organ systems of man. These courses should be taken in sequence.


BIOL 2400, 2401 Principles of Microbiology (4). Identification, culture, sterilization, and disinfectant procedures employed in studying certain microorganisms. Open to majors in Family and Consumer Sciences, HPER, and Nursing.


BIOL 3010, 3011 Earth and Space Science and Laboratory (3) (Formerly BIO 301, 301L). An integrated study of earth and space sciences, including a study of the shape, structure, composition, motions, and atmosphere of the earth. Topics include an examination of the effect of weathering and erosion on the lithosphere and concerns for our environment. Consideration will be given to space exploration, including stars, space, and time. Two lecture periods and one two-hour laboratory per week.


BIOL 3110 Biometrics (3) (Formerly BIO 311). An introduction to the methods of statistics that are of particular interest to biologists for experimental design and interpretation. Prerequisites: MATH 1720, BIOL 2110, 2111, 2120, 2121, or their equivalents.


BIOL 3200, 3201 Comparative Physiology (4) (Formerly BIO 320, 320L). Introduces the concepts of physiology, including topics from cellular and animal physiology. Prerequisites: Successful completion of BIOL 2120, 2121; CHEM 211-211L and/or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 212-212L and PHY 212-212L.


BIOL 3210, 3211 Mammalian Physiology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 321, 321L). Consideration of the dynamic interactions and integrations of mammalian organ systems. Special emphasis is placed upon recent advances in methodology and new concepts in physiology and contributing sciences. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121 and CHEM 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121, or equivalents.


BIOL 3240, 3241 Comparative Anatomy and Laboratory (4) (Formerly 324, 324L). The comparative anatomy and evolution of the organ system of chordate animals. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121.


BIOL 3300, 3301 Plant Morphology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 330, 330L). Consideration of the structure, embryology, and phylogeny of higher vascular plants. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121, BIOL 2120, 2121, 4110, 4111.


BIOL 3320, 3321 General Botany and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 332, 332L). The anatomy, physiology, and taxonomy of plants. Prerequisites: BIOL 2110, 2111, 2120, 2121.


BIOL 3400, 3401 Introduction to Microbial Physiology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 340, 340L). Salient features in the physiology of microorganisms. Selected examples of the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and nitrogen-containing compounds are considered as a basis for further understanding of biologic phenomena. Prerequisites: BIOL 3410, 3411 or CHEM 211, 211L concurrently.


BIOL 3410, 3411 Principles of General Bacteriology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 341, 341L). The isolation, identification, culture, nutrition, sterilization, and chemotherapeutic procedures employed in studying bacteria. Prerequisites: BIOL 2110, 2111, 2120, 2121; CHEM 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121.


BIOL 3710 Methods of Teaching Biology (3) (Formerly BIO 371). A course designed to explore methods and techniques for teaching biology in the secondary school. It offers opportunities for locating sources of biological materials, supplies, and equipment for the biology laboratory and gives guidance in the selection of books, journals, and other printed materials that support academic programs in secondary school biology. A field component of at least 24 hours of varied clinical experiences, classroom observation, active participation, and other related activities in clinical and/or in school settings is required. Required of all Biology majors seeking secondary certification in Biology. Prerequisite: official admission to the Teacher Education Program.


BIOL 4100 Special Topics (3) (Formerly BIO 410). Student- and faculty-generated course. Scope of subject matter is determined by students and instructor. Prerequisites: 12 hours upper-level Biology or permission of instructor. (Elective)


BIOL 4110, 4111 Molecular Genetics and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 411, 411L). An introduction to molecular genetics in microorganisms, plants, and animals. Emphasis is placed on biotechnical advances and the methods and techniques used in these systems. Prerequisites: BIO 2110, 2111, 2120, 2121.


BIOL 4112, 4113 Bioinformatics (4).  Upon successful completion of this course, student will be able to (1) retrieve specific DNA and protein sequence, (2) identify experimental sequences through GenBank database similarity search, (3) extract functional information for DNA and protein sequences from public database, (4) perform multiple sequences alignment and phylogenetic analysis, (5) describe to a reasonable accuracy the theoretical bases fo these operations, (6) write scripts to perform computational functions.


BIOL 4120, 4121 Principles of Ecology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 412, 412L). Fundamental ecological principles with special reference to levels of organization, population and community properties, structural adaptation, functional adjustments, and other factors affecting the distribution of organisms. Prerequisite: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121, 2120, 2121, 4110, 4111.


BIOL 4130, 4140 Contemporary Problems in Ecology I, II (3, 3) (Formerly BIO 413, 414). A study of some of the contemporary problems constituting the environmental crisis, the hazards comprising such problems, and the complexity affecting their resolutions. (Elective)


BIOL 4150, 4151 Microtechnique and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 415, 415L). Methods of microscopic study of tissues. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121, 2120, 2121 and CHEM 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121.


BIOL 4160 Evolution (3) (Formerly BIO 416). A study of current evolutionary theory, including systematics, with an examination of macroevolutionary patterns and microevolutionary processes. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121.


BIOL 4170 and 4180 Senior Seminar (1, 1) (Formerly BIO 417, 418). Current problems in biology. A minimum of one semester required of all seniors in the Department. Meets one hour per week.


BIOL 4190 Junior Honors Research (3) (Formerly BIO 419). Open to juniors and seniors of outstanding attainment who have demonstrated high achievements in their major field. It offers opportunity to do individual research under the direction of a member of the Department faculty. (Elective)


BIOL 4200, 4201 Invertebrate Zoology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly 420, 420L). Study of the morphology, physiology, taxonomy, and life histories of the invertebrates. Emphasis is placed on the systemic developments of invertebrate types. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121, 2120, 2121. (Elective)


BIOL 4210, 4211 Embryology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 421, 421L). A general consideration of gametogenesis, fertilization, cleavage in animals and the early development of echinoderms, protochordates, and selected vertebrates, with emphasis on early development of the chick. Prerequisite: BIOL 3240 and 3241 are strongly recommended. (Elective)


BIOL 4220, 4221 Endocrinology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 422, 422L). The function of vertebrate hormones, with emphasis on those concerned in the physiology of reproduction. Topics include techniques used in small animal surgery in endocrine research. Prerequisite: BIOL 4210, 4211. (Elective)


BIOL 4230, 4231 Histology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 423, 423L). Study of animal tissues. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121, 2120, 2121, 4110, and 4111. (Elective)


BIOL 4240, 4241 Introduction to Parasitology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 424, 424L). Animal parasites and their methods of entering the body of man and mammals. The several types of host-parasite relationships are surveyed, with emphasis on the effects of parasites on or within the hosts, immunogenic responses by the host to parasitism, and a history of the discipline. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121, 2120, 2121. (Elective)


BIOL 4260, 4261 Field Zoology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 426, 426L). Study of selected groups of animals. Methods of collecting, classifying, and preserving will be emphasized. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121, 2120, 2121. (Elective)


BIOL 4270, 4271 and 4280, 4281 Physiology and Pathophysiology I, II and Laboratory (4, 4) (Formerly BIO 427, 427L and 428, 428L). A closely integrated series of lectures and laboratory demonstrations which emphasize human physiology and pathophysiology. Physiology of the nervous system, blood circulation, respiration, and special senses is considered, as is the basic and applied physiology of the digestive, excretory, and endocrine systems. Mechanisms of integrating various systems are emphasized. Must be taken in sequence. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121 or BIOL 2210, 2211, 2220 and 2221 and CHEM 211, 211L.


BIOL 4272, 4273 Physiology and Pathophysiology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 427A, 427K). An accelerated one-semester series of lectures and laboratory demonstrations which emphasize human physiology and pathophysiology. Immune response, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, electrolytic, respiratory, renal, neurological, endocrinal, reproductive, and musculoskeletal disorders are considered. Both courses are required of Nursing majors. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121 or BIOL 2210, 2211, 2220 and 2221 and CHEM 1110, 1111.


BIOL 4300, 4301 Introduction to Plant Physiology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 430, 430L). Consideration of the functions of digestion, nutrition, growth, photosynthesis, respiration, translocation, photoperiodism, plant hormones, transpiration, and water relations as occurring in typical green plants. Prerequisites: BIOL 3320, 3321 and CHEM 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121.


BIOL 4320, 4321 Field Botany and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 432, 432L). A course designed to acquaint the student with basic principles of plant classification and identification, the use of manuals with reference made to the families, genera, and species of the local flora. Prerequisite: BIOL 3320, 3321. (Elective)


BIOL 4400, 4401 Pathogenic Microorganisms and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 440, 440L). Survey of the important features of host-parasite interaction. Characteristics of the organisms, host hypersensitivity, and natural and acquired immunity are considered as contributing factors toward this interaction. Modern preventive methods are emphasized. Prerequisite: BIOL 3410, 3411.


BIOL 4410, 4411 Immunology and Serology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 441, 441L). Theories of immunity and training in serological methods and procedures for immunization. Prerequisites: BIOL 3410, 3411. (Elective)


BIOL 4420, 4421 Virology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 442, 442L). Survey of bacterial, plant, and animal viruses with emphasis on their infectious cycles. Prerequisite: BIOL 3410, 3411. (Elective)


BIOL 4724 Student Teaching (9) (Formerly BIO 427S). A semester-long experience of supervised practice teaching, appropriately divided between middle school and high school. Required of all students seeking certification in the teaching of biology. Prerequisite: successful completion of all certification courses except EDCI 470A, which is taken concurrently.


MARC Program

The following courses are offered through the MARC (Minority Access to Research Careers) Honors College. Enrollment is restricted to MARC participants, or by permission of the Director.


BIOL 3920 Scientific Communication (4) (Formerly BIO 392). Course designed to improve written, oral, and quantitative skills necessary to enhance career development in the sciences.


BIOL 4900, 4901 Cell Physiology and Laboratory (4) (Formerly BIO 490, 490L). Introduction to the interrelationships of biological, physical, and chemical aspects of the cell. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121, CHEM 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121.


BIOL 4911 Modern Scientific Methods (3) (Formerly BIO 491). Use and applications of modern laboratory equipment and techniques. Prerequisite: BIOL 4900, 4901.


BIOL 4920 Honors Undergraduate Research (4) (Formerly BIO 492). Intramural and extramural biomedical research experiences.


BIOL 4930 Current Biomedical Topics (0) (Formerly BIO 493). Training in critical analysis and oral presentations of current journal publications in selected biomedical fields. Ethical issues including plagiarism, falsification, fabrication, and misconduct in research are discussed. All MARC Trainees must register in this course each semester.


BIOL 4940, 4950 MARC Seminar Series (1-1&2) (Formerly 494, 495). Exposure to current presentations by eminent scientists in biomedical research.


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