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Technology Development and Community Service

 1. Remote Access Confocal Microscopy Tutorial


This video  is a demonstration of the remote access process  in which  Faculty and Students at Tennessee State University  examine tomato pollen samples using a  confocal microscope located at Cornell University. It is the first time TSU  researchers have been able to use  (not just watch)  cutting-edge instrument using remote control in another institution. The activity is coordinated by Dr. Suping Zhou, Mrs. Sarabjit Bhatti, Mr. Tim Tim Warren, Mrs Francine Murphy (TSU), Mrs. Carol J Bayes and Dr. Johanna M. Dela Cruz (Cornell University), Dr.Thannhauser W Theodore and Miss Tara Fish (USDA/ARS). The procedure was conducted by Miss Zhujia Ye, and Mr. Yingde Zhu. Financial support is provided by Capacity Building Grant From USDA-NIFA

2. MLK at TSU Summer Internship Program

student presentation