Abstract Guidelines

Research Symposium  -March 14-18, 2011


Abstract Guidelines

  1. Abstract format: objective, design, materials & method, results, conclusions, support (and sources of financial support, if applicable)
  2. Only the presenting author needs to submit an abstract  
  3. Only one abstract should be submitted for each presentation
  4. Keep special characters and mathematical notations to a minimum
  5. Proofread before final save
  6. To begin the abstract title, DO NOT use the word "The"
  7. Abstract title should be in "sentence" style
  8. Do not use ALL CAPS in title or text
  9. Abstract text should be in appropriate upper and lower cases
  10. A period should NOT be used at the end of the title
  11.  Use generic names in place of trade names
  12.  Define ALL abbreviations when used for the first time
  13.  The abstract title should contain no more than 15 words and should be in bold type
  14.  Center title and authors
  15.  List the Presenting Author first in bold type, follow with other authors
  16.  Author names MUST BE typed out in mixed upper & lower case
  17.  List name of Advisor, followed by the department name
  18.  The abstract text should be a maximum of 300 words or less
  19.  The abstract should be single spaced, in a sans serif 12-point font, full-justification for text, and contained in a single paragraph with no indentations
  20.  Incomplete abstract submission forms will not be considered and will not be allowed for presentation
Research is the Integral Part of Study in ALL Disciplines

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36th  Annual  University-Wide Research Symposium  

Research: Celebrating Excellence 

  State University

March 31 - April 4, 2014


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  The Division of Research and Sponsored Programs invites  students, faculty, and staff to participate in this outstanding event by delivering  poster  or oral presentations as we continue to recognize and  commemorate  excellence in research, scholarship, and the creative  process throughout the  university.


December  31, 2013 at 11:59 P.M.

Submission information can be found at   www.tnstate.edu/research/symposium  .

Abstracts received after the due date will not be accepted.

Please review the  guidelines  and then proceed to Submit Abstract.


For additional information, please contact:


Research and Sponsored Programs
Phone: 615.963.7631 



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