Capital Projects
Anticipating the Future
Our Campuses
The TSU main campus has developed a traditional collegiate image that successfully presents TSU to the community in and around Davidson County; whereas the downtown Avon Williams campus presents a more “corporate” identity and is contained within a single massive building which is efficient to the predominantly “non-traditional” students which make up the downtown student population.
Open Space
The TSU main campus was established around a campus quadrangle. This planning model will be continued and strengthened as much as is possible with the placement of future buildings and the development of open spaces.
TSU’s charm stems from the green, open space character of the campus. The university’s open spaces are landscaped and well groomed. TSU is typically filled with students and faculty walking to and from class, or congregating in the open areas available to chat and relax between class periods. Circulation is clearly defined, in a continuous network of public areas. The Campus Mall offers the best-landscaped open space on campus. The Planning Department will seek to continue this open space concept.