
Solomon Haile, PhD


PhD, Forest Resources and Conservation with Interdisciplinary Concentration in GIS, University of Florida Gainesville, FL, USA.

M.Sc., Tropical Forestry, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

B.Sc., Forestry, Haramaya University (formerly Alemaya Agricultural University), Ethiopia.


• Extension Assistant Professor: Jun. 1st, 2010- Present; Department of Agricultural Sciences, Tennessee State University.

• Post Doctoral Associate: Aug. 16, 2007- Jun. 17, 2010; Soil and Water Science Dep’t., University of Florida.

• Biology Instructor: Jun. 12, 2006 – May 30, 2007; UF Upward Bound College Preparatory Program.

• Teaching Graduate Assistant: Spring 2005; Graduate level course Agroforestry FNR 5335, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Florida, USA.

• Lecturer: Feb. 08, 1997 – Jan. 09, 2002; Department of Plant Sciences, University of Asmara, Eritrea.

• Teaching assistant: Aug., 1994 – Aug. 10, 1995; Department of Plant Sciences, University of Asmara, Eritrea.

• Field Research Station Manager: Sep., 1993 – Aug., 1994; Research & Training Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Eritrea.


• Agronomy Society of America (ASA), Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A since 2002.

• Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A since 2002.

• Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A since 2002.

• The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), Maryland, Bethesda, U.S.A since 2004.

• The Association for Temperate Agroforestry (AFTA) since 2004.

• The Global Association of Online Foresters since 2002.





Nair, P. K. Ramachandran, Subhrajit K. Saha, Vimala D. Nair, and Solomon G. Haile. (2010). Potential for greenhouse gas emissions from soil carbon stock following biofuel cultivation on degraded lands. Land Degradation & Development, DOI:10.1002/ldr.1016

Haile, Solomon G, Nair, V. D., and Nair, P. K. R. (2010). Contribution of trees to carbon storage in soils of silvopastoral systems in Florida, USA. Global Change Biology, 16: 427-438.

Nair, P. K. Ramachandran, Vimala D. Nair, B. Mohan Kumar, and Solomon G. Haile. (2009). Soil carbon sequestration in tropical agroforestry systems: A feasibility appraisal. Environmental Science & Policy, 12: 1099—1111.

Haile, Solomon G, Nair, P. K. R., and Nair, V. D. (2008). Soil carbon storage in different size fractions in silvopastoral systems of Florida. J. Environnemental Quality 37(5): 1789—1797.

Nair, Vimala D. Haile, Solomon G., Michel, G.A. and Nair, P.K. Ramachandran. (2007) Environmental Quality Improvement of Agricultural Lands through Silvopasture in Southeastern United States. Scientia Agricola, 64(5): 513—519.



Haile, Solomon G., V. D. Nair and P. K. R. Nair (2009). Carbon storage in soils under tree-based land-use systems. Soil and Water Science, Research Brief, SWS 09-01.

Haile, Solomon G., V. D. Nair and P. K. R. Nair (2009). Shifts in stable carbon isotopic signatures in soil fractions following tree integration into pastures. Soil and Water Science, Research Brief, SWS 09-02.

Haile, Solomon G, Fraisse, Clyde W., Nair, V. D., and Nair, P. K. R (2008). Greenhouse gas mitigation in forest and agricultural lands: carbon sequestration. Cooperative Extension Service Circular. UF/IFAS EDIS Database. #AE435.

Haile, Solomon G, Fraisse, Clyde W., Nair, P. K. R, and Nair, V. D. (2008). Greenhouse gas mitigation in forest and agricultural lands: Reducing emissions. Cooperative Extension Service Circular. UF/IFAS EDIS Database. #AE443.





Jason P. de Koff, Solomon G Haile, Guorong Zhang, Suping Zhou, and Roger Sauve, (2010). Biofuels research program at Tennessee State University. Sustainable Feedstocks for Advanced Biofuels. WorkShop Sept. 28-30, Poster Presentation and Abstract, Atlanta, GA

Nair, Vimala D, Mark W. Clark and K. Ramesh Reddy and Solomon G. Haile, (2009). Wetland soils phosphorus criteria development. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Nov. 1-5, Poster Presentation and Abstract, AnMtgsAbsts2009.52742, #124-12, Pittsburg, PA.

Haile, Solomon G., Vimala D. Nair and P.K. Ramachandran Nair. (2009). Tree integration into land-use systems as a strategy for soil carbon sequestration. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Nov. 1-5, Poster Presentation and Abstract #234-2, Pittsburg, PA.

Nair, P.K. Ramachandran, Vimala D. Nair, Solomon G. Haile, Subhrajit K. Saha, David S. Howlett, Asako N.G. Takimoto, Emanuela F. Gama-Rodrigues and Rafael G. Tonucci. (2009). Soil carbon sequestration under agroforestry: A multi-location, multi-system study. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Nov. 1-5, Poster Presentation and Abstract #279-5, Pittsburg, PA.

Haile, Solomon G., Vimala D. Nair and P.K. Ramachandran Nair. (2008).Relative contribution of trees and warm-season grasses to soil carbon sequestration in silvopastoral systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Nov. 5-9, Oral Presentation and Abstract #606-4, Houston, TX.

Haile, Solomon G., Vimala D. Nair and P. K. Ramachandran Nair. (2008) Soil Carbon Sequestration in Silvopastoral Systems: Relative Contribution of Tees and Warm-Season Grasses. Poster paper presented at an International Symposium on Climate Information for Managing Risks: Partnerships and Solutions for Agricultural Resources. 10 – 13 June 2008, St Pete Beach, USA.

Nair, P. K. R., Nair, V. D., Haile, Solomon. G. and Michel A.-M. (2007). Environmental services of agroforestry: Phosphorus Reduction and Carbon Sequestration in Florida Soils. Paper presented at the 10th North American Agroforestry Conference, 10 – 13 June 2007, Québec City, Canada. [p. 72 in the Conference Program and Book of Abstracts, Groupe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Agroforesterie (GIRAF), Université Laval, Québec City, Canada].

Haile, Solomon G, Vimala D. Nair, and P. K. R. Nair (2006). Soil Carbon Sequestration and Stabilization in Tree-based Pastoral Systems. ASA/CSSA/SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts, # 37-5, Indianapolis, IN. (First Place Winner of the Minorities Student Poster paper Contest).

Nair, Vimala D. Solomon G. Haile, G.A. Michel, and P.K. Ramachandran Nair. (2006). Environmental Improvement of Agricultural Lands through Silvopasture. VI Brazilian Congress of Agroforestry Systems: Agroforestry Systems: scientific bases for sustainable development, Campos dos Gnosticizes, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.

Haile, Solomon G, P. K. R. Nair, and V. D. Nair (2006). Soil Carbon Sequestration in Slash Pine-Based Silvopastoral Systems of North Florida. Joint Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society and the Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida (SCSSF), Tampa, FL.

Haile, Solomon G, P. K. R. Nair, and V. D. Nair (2006). Soil Carbon Pools in Slash Pine-Based Silvopastoral Systems of North Florida. Sixth Annual Graduate Research Symposium, IFAS, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Florida.

Haile, Solomon G, P. K. R. Nair, and V. D. Nair (2005). Soil Carbon Pools in Slash Pine-Based Silvopastoral Systems of North Florida. ASA/CSSA/SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts, # 119-12 (1445), Salt Lake City, UT.

Haile, Solomon G. and P. K. R. Nair (2005). Remote Sensing-Based Carbon Accounting in Silvopastoral System of Southeastern United States. Proceedings AFTA 2005; the 9th North American Agroforestry Conference AFTA - Moving Agroforestry into the Mainstream June 12-15, 2005, Rochester, Minnesota.

Haile, Solomon G (2004). Analysis of Parkland Agroforestry Systems in Eritrea. Book of Abstracts. 1st World Congress of Agroforestry Working Together for Sustainable Land Use Systems 27 June − 2 July 2004 Orlando, Florida, USA.

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