Academic Master Plan Steering Committee (AMP)

About the Committee

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The Academic Master Plan (AMP) Steering Committee, appointed by the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, is charged with the implementation of the comprehensive long-range academic master plan. The twenty-year plan (2008-2028) developed through an inclusive University-wide process calls for a dynamic and innovative set of new approaches to academic programming through the development and strengthening of three areas: Major Focus Areas, Signature Academic Programs, and Cross-Cutting Focus Areas.

The Major Focus Areas are: Enterprise and Leadership; Health and Education; and Pure and Applied Science. The Signature Academic Programs   emerges from the Major Focus Areas, and requires a selection process that results in identification of specific undergraduate and graduate programs that, with additional resources, have the potential for national and/or international prominence. The Cross-Cutting Areas involve academic initiatives that cut across all disciplines: The Quality Enhancement Plan, Critical and Creative Inquiry, the Academy of Leadership, and the Honors College. The AMP Steering Committee monitors and reports progress toward accomplishment of AMP goals, and makes recommendations to the Provost for updating and revising the Academic Master Plan to meet changing circumstances, including recommendations for fiscal and human resource allocation, fund-raising, and facilities development and maintenance.

The Steering Committee is comprised of the following: Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs; Associate Provost; Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs (Institutional Planning and Assessment); Chair, Faculty Senate; Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs (Academic Support and Personnel); Dean of the Library; Associate Dean, College of Education (Dr. Linda Guthrie); Dean, College of Engineering (Dr. Keith Hargrove); Associate Dean, College of Health Sciences and Executive Director, Division of Nursing (Dr. Kathy Martin); Dr. Karen Stevens, Professor of Educational Administration; Dr. Landon Onyebueke, Professor of Engineering; and Dr. Pamela Burch-Sims, Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (Resource Person). The Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs (Institutional Planning and Assessment) chairs the Steering Committee.

The AMP Steering Committee meets on the first Wednesday of the month during Fall and Spring Semesters, from 10am-11: 30 am.

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Institutional Planning and Assessment