Emergency Management Courses

Further Your Education Today!

Course Listing

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disaster image


Continuing Education Units (CEU) Application

Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Approved Courses


Tennessee State University
Office of Continuing Education
330 Tenth Avenue North, Box 138
Nashville, TN 37072

Phone: 615-963-7001

Fax: 615-963-7007
e-mail: cperkins6@tnstate.edu




IS-1.a         Emergency Manager: An Orientation to the Position

IS-800.b     National Response Framework, An Introduction

IS-700.a     National Incident Management System (NIMS) An     Introduction

IS-200.b     ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents

IS-100.b     Introduction to Incident Command System, ICS-100

IS-120.a     An Introduction to Exercises

IS-230.d     Fundamentals of Emergency Management

IS-235.b     Emergency Planning

IS-240.a     Leadership & Influence

IS-241.b     Decision Making and Problem Solving

IS-242.b     Effective Communication

IS-244.b     Developing and Managing Volunteers

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Continuing Education