Dr. John T. Robinson, Jr.
TN-LSAMP Executive Director

Department of Biological Sciences
College of Life & Physical Sciences
Contact Information:
Graduate School Office: AWC Suite B-400
TLSAMP Office: 415 Crouch Hall
Departmental Office Location: 112-H McCord Hall
Telephone: 615-963-5762
B.S. (Biology) - North Carolina Central University
Ph.D. (Biology - Cell, Developmental) - University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Post-Doc - (Genetics, Cell Biology and Development) - University of Minnesota - Minneapolis/St. Paul
Research Areas:
Function and regulation of cytoskeletal proteins and associated transport complexes in Drosophila; Cell and Developmental Biology; Cell Cycle Mechanisms; Molecular Genetics; Imaging.
Most Significant Publications:
Warner, T., Nixon, S., McNeil, T., Green, D., and Robinson, J.T. (2024). Faculty perspectives on research mentoring across a multi-level statewide LSAMP Alliance. The Journal of the Research Association of Minority Professors, 26(2). Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.pvamu.edu/jramp/vol26/iss2/3
Reis,G.F., Yang, G., Szpankowski, L., Weaver, L. C., Shah, S.B., Robinson, J. T., Hays, T. S., Danuser, G., and Goldstein, L.S.B. (2012) Molecular motor funtion in axonal transport in vivo probed by genetic and computational analysis in Drosophila. Mol Biol Cell [Epub ahead of print-March 7, 2012]
Iyadurai , S.J.P, Robinson , J.T, Ma . L., He , Y., Mische , S., Li, M-G., , Brown . W., Guichard . A., Bier , E. and Hays, T.S. (2008) Dynein and Star interact in EGFR signaling and ligand trafficking. J Cell Sci . 121 (Pt 16):2643-51 .
Washington, B., Williams, S., Armstrong, P., Mtshali, C., Robinson, J.T. and E. L. Myles, E.L (2006) Cadmium toxicity on arterioles vascular smooth muscle cells of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 3(4): 309.
Robinson, J.T., Wojcik, E. J., Sanders, M. A., McGrail, M.. and Hays. T.S. (1999) Cytoplasmic dynein Is required for the nuclear attachment and migration of centrosomes during mitosis in Drosophila. J. Cell Biol. 146(3): 597-608.
Biol 6560 Techniques in Microscopy (Graduate)
Biol 5180 Cell Biology (Graduate)
Biol 5210 Embryology/Developmental Biology (Graduate)
Biol 4211 Embryology Lab
Biol 4210 Embryology
UNIV 1000 Service to Leadership (Freshman Orientation)
webpage contact: