Coordinated Care Network


The goal of the Coordinated Care Network is to promote student success through holistic advising and improved utilization of academic and student support resources. The below tabs provide quick links and useful information to troubleshoot issues and/or familiarize members of the Coordinated Care Network with TSU's main system of Academic Support-- EAB Navigate.

Click the tabs below for more support and information:

Coordinated Care simply means that a student is within and part of an integrated support system at Tennessee State. This is the main purpose of EAB Navigate and for student success. Whether it be needing help paying for college, academic advising, student assistance, student wellness, or another unique population or interest, a student can be assured they have all the resources at their disposal for successful retention and graduation.

Care Units are specific offices, departments, scholarship programs, or student populations with a common purpose. Together, all the Care Units compose the network of the Coordinated Care efforts.

View infogram for an updated list and view of the Care Units and locations providing services. 

To request new access to EAB Navigate for yourself or someone in your unit, please have your College Dean or Department Chair complete the EAB Navigate Access Form  to ensure you have the appropriate system permissions. You will be in EAB Navigate the day after the Registrar grants access due to the nightly data refresh.

All Faculty and Staff who have been granted Navigate access have Tier I functionality. In order to have more advanced features such as the ability to message any student or perform analytics and reporting, further trainings are offered. Contact your Navigate Administrators for when the next training takes place. Click  here  for other Tier features. For other access, email  with your request.

EAB Navigate has Gmail/Outlook calendar sync. As you block off times in your email calendar, it removes your availability for students to schedule with you. In order to establish your Calendar Sync, review this help center article  for a video and short instructions then proceed to the next step below.

Once you have calendar sync, establish your own specific availability. We recommend including the following:

  • Availability Active of Forever
  • Check the box for adding availability to your Personal Availability Link (PAL)
  • Select Availability type of at least Appointments and Campaigns
  • Include all services you want to be available for in your location and care unit

For more information on setting up your availability, please visit the Help Center. (Choose Tennessee State in the "Choose Your School" dropdown menu)

As your calendar is synced and your availability is set up, details from your professional calendar are indicated as “busy” blocked off time within Navigate

As one of the most dynamic and useful tools in Navigate, Advanced Search is used to obtain a list of students and their information which can be used for creating student lists, messaging students, scheduling appointments, student recruitment, and for running campaigns.

In order to view the information of other students, Tier II access is required. Talk with your Navigate administrator how to be signed up for a training.

Please use this PDF for more information on how to utilize Advanced Search. 

Review infogram for quick hits and highlights on Advanced Search.

A case is an electronic “case file” where staff and instructors across care units (e.g., financial aid, student wellness, advising) can coordinate and collaborate to follow up with students. Cases create a more formalized next step for action or intervention on an issued alert. The worse action is inaction!

  • It is recommended to make an action and close a newly assigned case within 2 weeks of receiving case assignment
  • It is recommended to claim a case within three days of a case opened to ensure someone meeting the needs of the student

View infogram to learn about the difference between cases and alerts.

Visit help center article for a video and short instruction on how to open, close, and reassign cases.

Alerts are central to Navigates coordinated care efforts. Alerts are a way to draw attention to a student prompting an action from a particular office or the student’s support team. Alerts can be either neutral, positive, or negative. View this infogram for a list of alerts, who receives receives the alert, if a case is made, and types of alerts. All cases come from alerts, but not all alerts create cases.

For a refresher on the difference between cases and alerts, visit this infogram.

For further information about alerts, visit this help center article.

From an Advanced Search, student list, saved search, or from your assigned students, you can run a Campaign. There are five types of campaigns: Appointment, Progress Reports, Enrollment, Email, and Enrollment Census Campaigns.

A Campaign is a workflow to track and encourage students to schedule an appointment with you regarding a particular need. These are used mostly for enrollments, appointments, and progress reports.

Review this Help Center article on managing and making a campaign.

For EAB Training Requests, please have your College Dean or Department Chair complete the Training Request Form. For all additional questions, contact your Academic Support Technologist.

For students without an appointment, click here (PDF, 211KB)

You must have your supervisor fill out this Administrative Systems Request Form.

Full Time Staff, follow these instructions (PDF, 396KB). Graduate students must contact for more information.

We find that most of the time students can make appointments, they just do not follow the steps for making an appointment. If you are certain they cannot make an appointment with you, please check your availability in EAB. Click here (PDF, 457KB).