Our Tools

The Life Design Catalyst Framework

Through the exploration of purpose (“Who do I want to be?”) and meaning (“What am I here to do?), the Life Design Catalyst Program empowers students to actualize their potential and optimize their lives to become the best version of themselves, to utilize their gifts and talents in service to something bigger than themselves. The program engages students in a process where they feel empowered, passionate, energetic, and committed to creating a life they desire- a life that represents who they are and where they want to go.

Life Design Catalyst 

Johnson, W. (2018, February 6). Coaching and student success with life design in mind [Conference presentation].
First Year Experience National Conference, San Antonio, Texas.  

Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry 

Azeem, Shaikh. (2021, Feb 16). Reliable practices in advising, supervising and counseling . Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Appreciative-Advising_fig1_238747

Coaching For Success

Every TSU student dreams of success!  Coaching involves a one-on-one interaction with students. Through those interactions, we build strong relationships with our students and empower them to achieve their academic and personal goals through goal setting and purposeful action planning.  Your First-Generation Student Specialist will use coaching strategies to assist you and help you identify those non-cognitive skills you need to strengthen and enhance. The vision is to assist our students to develop long lasting strategies for success. Your Specialist will be at your service throughout all your college years at TSU.

Your First-Generation Student Specialist can help you:

  • Transition to College
  • Create and Follow an Academic Success Plan
  • Develop and Achieve Short & Long-Term Goals
  • Develop and Apply Better Test & Note-Taking Skills
  • Learn and Practice Self-Discipline                                        
  • Improve Time Management Skills
  • Improve Financial Literacy Skills
  • Enhance Social Networking/Social Capital Skills
  • Identify and work through any challenges getting in the way of academic success
  • Identify resources to enhance academic success and personal development
  • Improve Your G.P.A.
  • Graduate on time.