Completion and Beyond

Students with 60+ credit hours

Colleges and departments served: All JUNIORS AND SENIORS  (students with 60+ credit hours)

completionMany students do not complete their degrees in a timely. This is particularly true for first-generation students as many factors contribute to longer than expected time to graduation.  Students may enroll in fewer than 15 hours per semester, change majors, stop-out, enroll in the wrong classes, miss deadlines, and/or fail courses.  A student’s failure to graduate timely and spending two extra years to complete a degree forces student to spend more money than necessary (

The goal here is to assist first-generation students at TSU to graduate timely and to aspire to major-related careers. In close collaboration with the Career Center, this activity supports an increase in the number of TSU graduates who are interested in seeking a relevant career and/or post-baccalaureate education as soon as they graduate from TSU.

Completion and Beyond supports the University’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan: 
Goal 1: Attract prepare and graduate scholars to change the world.
Objective 3: Improve graduation attainment and performance.