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Travel Policies
Table of Contents
- Overview of TBR and TSU Travel Policies (5.9.1)
- Air Travel (5.9.2)
- Approval to Travel (Travel Requisition Form) (5.9.3)
- Athletic Travel (5.9.4)
- Blanket Travel Requisitions (5.9.5)
- Cash Advances (5.9.6)
- Credit Cards(Corporate Travel Card) (5.9.7)
- Group Travel Related Direct Payments (Registration Fees, Lodging, Transportation, etc.) (5.9.8)
- Group Travel (Other Than Athletic) (5.9.9)
- Lodging and Meal Rate Exceptions (5.9.10)
- Motor Pool Requests (State Vehicle Use) (5.9.11)
- Moving Expenses (5.9.12)
- Non-Affiliated Travelers (5.9.13)
- Out-of-Country Travel (5.9.14)
- Reimbursement of Travel Expenses (Claim for Traveling Expenses Form)( 5.9.15)
- Supplemental Travel Requisition (5.9.16)
TBR General Travel Policies & Procedures
TBR Athletic or Other Group Travel Policy
Overview of TBR and TSU Travel Policies (5.9.1)
The purpose of this policy is to provide a broad overview of travel policies for Tennessee State University as established for all Tennessee Board of Regents institutions in TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:00. It is not the purpose of policies included in the travel section of the Finance and Accounting Policy and Procedure Manual to rewrite the TBR policy. The travel procedures included in this section are intended to provide a quick reference to the most frequently asked questions on travel.
All Tennessee State University employees who travel in the performance of their official duties must follow TBR policy 4:03:03:00). Provisions of this policy may also apply to individuals other than employees who are authorized to travel at institutional expense. No authorization for travel by any employee shall be granted and no reimbursement for travel expenses shall be made, except in accordance with the provisions of these policies and procedures. Employees are expected to be as conservative as possible in incurring travel expenses.
All TSU employees who travel in the performance of their official duties must follow the procedures as highlighted below and as described in detail in the additional travel policies.
A. All travel must be approved in advance. The authorizing form is the Travel Requisition Form. See Policy # 5.9.3 for processing steps.
B. Travel reimbursement is subject to limits established by the TBR. See Addendum A.
C. Travel reimbursement must be requested on a Claim for Traveling Expenses Form. See Policy # 5.9.15 for processing steps.
D. Travel by groups requires different processing than individual travel. See Policy # 5.9.9 for processing steps or Policy # 5.9.4 for athletic group travel.
E. Exceptions to TSU's travel regulations are established by the TBR in compliance with the Comprehensive Travel Regulations of the State of Tennessee. The institution has no authority to make exceptions outside those established by the TBR. See Policy # 5.9.10 regarding lodging and meal rate exceptions.
F. A Travel Requisition Form must be completed by the traveling employee to authorize the work related travel even if no expenses will be incurred or the employee does not plan to seek reimbursement.
G. These policies and procedures apply to all employees of the University regardless of the original source of the funds to the University (unrestricted or restricted).
Air Travel (5.9.2)
The purpose of this policy is to outline procedures for obtaining air travel.
It is the policy of Tennessee State University that all charges to the University for air travel must be through the official travel agency of the University and authorized by the Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance. The employee CANNOT authorize the travel agency to issue the airline ticket and bill the University. An employee can purchase airline tickets directly from other travel agencies and be reimbursed by the University. However, the employee must NOT obligate the University until the Travel Requisition is approved at all levels required.
The following procedures must be followed in order to obtain air travel authorization:
A. The University's Travel Agency:
1. Employees MUST contact the University's authorized travel agency to obtain flight information, determine the cost of the airline ticket and make reservations. Wright Travel is the only travel agency authorized to bill the University for airline tickets.
2. Employees requesting travel by air must indicate "air" as the mode of travel on the Travel Requisition Form and indicate the price of the ticket as quoted by the travel agent..
3. Once the Travel Requisition is approved, the Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance will provide the travel agency with the "T" number and authorize the airline tickets to be issued.
4. It is the responsibility of the traveler to review the itinerary to confirm its accuracy. The travel agency should be contacted immediately if there is a problem.
5. The travel agency will bill the university's credit card account which bills the University directly for the airline tickets.
B. Other Travel Agencies
1. If an employee makes arrangements through another travel agency, the employee must pay for the airline ticket and be reimbursed by the University. Even when using a different travel agency, the employee should NOT obligate themselves by ordering the ticket until the Travel Requisition is approved at all required levels.
2. If the employee has made air travel arrangements through an agency other than Wright Travel, it must be reflected on the Travel Requisition Form to avoid unnecessary authorization through Wright Travel.
Approval to Travel (Travel Requisition Form)(5.9.3)
The purpose of this policy is to outline procedures for requesting approval to travel on University business.
Tennessee State University employees seeking approval to travel on University business must complete and submit a Travel Requisition Form (see Attachment #1) in advance of the travel. An approved Travel Requisition Form is required to authorize all travel including travel not requiring expense reimbursement.
The following procedures must be followed in order to receive approval to travel:
1. The departmental budget MUST have available funds under the travel object code. If funds are not available, a budget revision must be processed prior to the Travel Requisition.
2. All applicable information MUST be included on the Travel Requisition Form (see Attachment #1). The Post Office box number should be included with the department name.
3. All reasonably expected expenses need to be anticipated and included on the Travel Requisition Form to authorize the expenditure and reimbursement. Unanticipated expenditures will result in delayed reimbursement while a supplement Travel Requisition is processed. See Policy # 5.9.16.
4. The Travel Requisition Form must be signed by the employee traveler and approved by the budgetary head (dean/director/department head) and the appropriate vice president.
5. The approved Travel Requisition Form must be forwarded to the Vice President for Business and Finance for approval.
6. The Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance will obtain approval from the Grants Office for all travel charged to grant accounts.
7. The Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance will obtain the President's approval for the following:
- Blanket in-state
- Out-of-state
- Out-of-country (forwarded to TBR
for approval)
- Group travel
- Requests for travel advances
Exceptions to lodging rates or meal rates
8. An approved copy of the Travel Requisition Form will be forwarded to the originating office by the Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance.
9. The original copy of the Travel Requisition and related paperwork will be forwarded to Accounts Payable.
Athletic Travel (5.9.4)
The purpose of this policy is to provide an overview of travel procedures for athletic travel as outlined for all Tennessee Board of Regents institutions in TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:50. It is not the purpose of this policy to rewrite the TBR policy but to provide a quick reference to the most frequently asked questions on athletic travel.
All Tennessee State University athletic travel must follow TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:50. Other group travel is covered in Policy # 5.9.9.
Tennessee State University procedures provide for unique circumstances regarding athletic travel. This procedure is not all inclusive; therefore, you must refer to TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:50. Normal TSU Travel Policies and Procedures apply to athletic travel except as mentioned below.
A. Rules for all athletic travel including team travel, University officials and guests:
1. Travel Requisition Forms must be processed and approved in advance of the trip.
2. A list of all individuals on a particular trip must be attached to the Travel Requisition Form.
3. Institution officials and guests of the institution that accompany the team on trips must be approved in advance by the President.
4. A travel advance in the amount of 100% of the estimated trip expenses will be allowed.
5. Team transportation will be arranged through the University's established procedures using the official travel agency or the Purchasing Department.
6. Actual lodging expenses will be reimbursed.
7. Individual meals associated with team travel will follow TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:00.
B. Rules for athletic recruiting
1. Staff members are responsible for compliance with pertinent NCAA rules regarding student recruits.
2. Coaches traveling as individuals for athletic recruiting purposes must follow the same policies as other University employees.
3. Staff members engaged in recruiting are allowed a cash advance in the amount of 80% of the estimated trip expenses.
4. The name of the student recruit should be listed directly on the Travel Requisition Form in the explanation section.
5. Actual cost of guest meals may be claimed when incurred by a staff member for recruiting purposes. Receipts are required.
6. If campus facilities are not used for food and lodging, staff members will be reimbursed at actual costs. Receipts are required.
7. Automobile mileage will be reimbursed to student recruits in accordance with TBR Policy 4:03:03:00. See Policy # 5.9.13.
Blanket Travel Requisitions (5.9.5)
The purpose of this policy is to outline procedures for using Blanket Travel Requisitions.
Tennessee State University employees who are required to frequently travel in the performance of their official duties may obtain approval for a Blanket Travel Requisition in accordance with TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:00. The purpose of a Blanket Travel Requisition is to eliminate paperwork for employees who travel frequently. All Blanket Travel Requisitions must be approved in advance by the President.
Blanket Travel Requisitions must be completed and processed through the same channels as any Travel Requisition. Once processed and approved, this Blanket Travel Requisition will be used to support Claims for Traveling Expenses Forms submitted for the period of time covered by the Blanket Travel Requisition.
All information must be completed on the Travel Requisition. Special attention should be given to the following areas:
1. Destination: Clearly indicate blanket travel.
2. Departure Date and Return Date: Indicate the first and last date the Blanket Travel Requisition covers. The Blanket Travel Requisition MUST be approved prior to the first date of travel.
3. Explanation: Provide a clear explanation of the purpose of the Blanket Travel Requisition.
4. Total Amount of Requisition: Indicate total expenses anticipated for the period covered by the Blanket Travel Requisition. Reimbursement for travel expenses will not be processed above the total amount approved. Unanticipated expenditures will result in delayed reimbursement while a supplement Travel Requisition is processed. An approved Blanket Travel Requisition does not authorize exceptions to the meal and lodging rates.
Cash Advances (5.9.6)
The purpose of this policy is to provide information regarding cash advances for travel expenses as outlined in TBR Policy 4:03:03:00.
Tennessee State University employees who travel in the performance of their official duties will be reimbursed for authorized travel expenses. Cash advances for travel expenses are NOT issued in most circumstances because a Corporate Travel Card application is available upon request. This card can be used to delay out-of-pocket expenses until travel expenses can be reimbursed by the University. If an employee chooses not to apply for the Corporate Travel Card, they are NOT eligible for a cash advance for travel expenses.
Requests for cash advances for travel expenses must be indicated on the Travel Requisition Form.
The approved Travel Requisition Form MUST be received in the Accounting Office (Accounts Payable) at least three working days prior to the travel date in order to process the check request. To meet this deadline, the appropriate Vice President must approve the Travel Requisition and forward it to the Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance at least five working days prior to the trip.
A. Travel advances will NOT be approved under the following circumstances:
1. The employee has been issued a Corporate Travel Card.
2. The employee was given the opportunity to apply for a Corporate Travel Card but chose not to apply.
3. The employee has had his/her corporate card cancelled or was refused a card based on the vendor’s credit requirements.
B. Travel advances may be approved under the following circumstances:
1. The employee has recently applied for a Corporate Travel Card but has not received the card. This fact must be communicated in writing and attached to the Travel Requisition Form.
2. The employee is not eligible to apply for a Corporate Travel Card. Non-exempt employees may be required to travel in the performance of their official duties or for continued education. This group of employees is not eligible to apply for the Corporate Travel Card. The fact an employee is non-exempt (clerical and support) and is not eligible to apply for the Corporate Travel Card must be indicated on the Travel Requisition Form.
If an employee qualifies for a cash advance based on one of the above criteria, documentation as described above must be attached to the Travel Requisition Form when requesting the cash advance. The Travel Requisition Form will be returned if the documentation is not provided.
3. University employees who travel with a group of students may receive a cash advance for the students and the employee's travel expenses. See Policy # 5.9.9 on Group Travel.
4. Cash advances may be made to staff members engaged in athletic recruiting when such advances are approved by the President. See Policy # 5.9.4 on Athletic Travel .
C. All cash advances must be approved by the President.
D. An amount equal to 80% of the estimated expenses is allowed as a cash advance; however, no advance less than $100 will be made.
E. Employees traveling with a student or students can receive a cash advance for 100% of the estimated expenses.
F. Cash advances issued for canceled trips must be returned to the cashier within 72 hours. A copy of the cash receipt MUST be submitted to Accounts Payable.
G. Unused cash advances MUST be returned to the cashier within 72 hours. A copy of the cash receipt MUST be attached to the Claim for Traveling Expenses Form.
H. A copy of the canceled Travel Requisition and written notification to cancel the trip MUST be submitted to the Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance.
Credit Cards (Corporate Travel Card) (5.9.7)
The purpose of this policy is to outline procedures for obtaining a Corporate Travel Card through the University.
Tennessee State University provides an opportunity for full-time employees to apply for a Corporate Travel Card. Employees with Corporate Travel Cards are not eligible for a cash advance for expenses. If the employee elects not to apply for the card, they are also not eligible for a cash advance.
If the Corporate Travel Card is approved and issued to the employee, all payment obligations are the employee's responsibility. All matters pertaining to the cards are between the employee and the credit card company. Tennessee State University has no financial obligation for the card.
Tennessee State University employees eligible for the Corporate Travel Card are given an opportunity to apply during new employee orientation conducted by Human Resources. Use of the Corporate Travel Card allows employees to delay payment of travel expenses incurred during official University travel until the employee can be reimbursed by the University.
1. Human Resources requires each new employee to sign an Employee Application Option Form (see Attachment #1) indicating acceptance or non-acceptance of the application to apply. If eligible employees later decide to apply, they must contact Human Resources.
2. Employees who elect to apply for a Corporate Travel Card must complete the credit card company's card application. The application is submitted to the company by Human Resources.
3. The credit card company will mail the Corporate Travel Card to the employee.
Group Travel Related Direct Payments (Registration Fees,
Lodging, Transportation, etc.) (5.9.8)
The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedure for obtaining direct payment for group travel related expenses such as registration fees, lodging or transportation.
Tennessee State University employees authorized to travel on official University business will be reimbursed for all travel expenses within the guidelines of TBR Policy 4:03:03:00. All travel expenses can be estimated on the Travel Requisition Form and reimbursed after the trip OR some group travel related expenses can be paid directly to the source by initiating a Purchase Requisition Form (see attachment #1).
Travel Requisitions are used to pay University employees or other individuals traveling on behalf of the University. Purchase Requisitions are used to pay sources outside the University. Purchase Requisitions CANNOTbe used to reimburse an employee for travel related expenses.
The Purchasing Department must issue a Purchase Order for direct payments for lodging or transportation.
Direct payment for some group travel related expenses may be more convenient than reimbursement. The following procedures must be followed to obtain approval for direct payment of such travel related expenses as registration fees, hotel or transportation.
1. The Travel Requisition MUSTbe initiated WELL IN ADVANCEof the trip to allow time for additional processing related to the Purchase Requisition.
2. A Purchase Requisition Form must be completed and a copy of the registration form attached. All information must be included on the Purchase Requisition, i.e., the vendor (source) to be paid; account number and travel code; a complete description; total price; all appropriate signatures. Indicate a "date needed" if there is a registration deadline.
3. The Purchase Requisition Form MUST be attached to the related Travel Requisition Form.
4. Travel expenses included on the Purchase Requisition for payment directly to the source MUST NOT be included on the Travel Requisition Form. For example, registration fees should not be included on the Travel Requisition if a Purchase Requisition is submitted for direct payment of registration fees.
Group Travel (Other Than Athletic) (5.9.9)
The purpose of this policy is to outline procedures for group travel.
All Tennessee State University group travel must follow TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:50 which covers both Athletic and Other Group Travel. Athletic Travel is covered under TSU Policy # 5.9.4.
Travel by student groups or other groups of participants in programs or activities of the University will be reimbursed under the provisions included in Section II of TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:50.
1. Travel Requisition Forms must be processed and approved in advance of the trip.
2. The Travel Requisition Form must be in the name of a TSU employee.
3. The Travel Requisition Form must indicate "Group Travel."
4. A list of all individualson a particular trip must be attached to the Travel Requisition Form.
5. If several TSU employees are accompanying a student group, one TSU employee must indicate group travel, attach the list of students to their Travel Requisition and include all expenses for the group and the TSU employee. The other TSU employees accompanying the group must have a separate Travel Requisition Form which indicates individual travel and includes all estimated expenses for only themselves.
6. A cash advance in the amount of 100% of the estimated trip expenses will be allowed for the group and the coordinating employee. The TSU employee is responsible for the advance and all bills connected with the group. See Policy # 5.9.6. Other TSU employees traveling with the group will not receive a cash advance but will be reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with Policy # 5.9.15.
Lodging and Meal Rate Exceptions (5.9.10)
The purpose of this policy is to outline procedures for reimbursement of lodging and meal expense in excess of the maximum rates authorized in the Appendix to TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:00.
Tennessee State University employees who travel on official University business will be reimbursed for lodging and meal expenses up to the maximum rates authorized in the Appendix to TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:00. Higher rates for lodging at the location of a convention or conference may be allowed up to the amount indicated in the convention or conference brochure. The expenses for an official banquet of a meeting or conference will be allowed provided a receipt is submitted.
The following procedures must be followed in order to receive an exception to the maximum lodging or meal reimbursement rate.
1. Part IV, A. "Travel Exception" of the Travel Requisition Form must be completed:
- Indicate the rate charged, per day, by the convention or conference hotel including sales tax. If you do not know the sales tax amount, indicate a note "plus tax" beside the daily rate.
- Indicate the amount charged for meals.
2. The convention or conference brochure which documents the lodging rates MUST be attached to the Travel Requisition Form to received approval for the rate exception.
3. All Travel Requisitions requesting lodging or meal rate exceptions MUST be approved by the President in ADVANCE of the trip.
4. The lodging or meal reimbursement must be supported with actual receipts.
Motor Pool Requests (State Vehicle Use) (5.9.11)
The purpose of this policy is outline procedures for obtaining approval for use of a State Vehicle from the State Motor Pool.
Tennessee State University employees who travel on official University business may use a State Vehicle as the mode of transportation. All applicable rules of the State of Tennessee must be followed.
The following procedures must be followed in order to receive approval for use of a State Vehicle.
1. The employee must contact the State of Tennessee, Department of General Services, Division of Motor Vehicle Management at 741-1637 to:
- schedule a State Vehicle
- receive a reservation number
- obtain cost information
2. The TSU Travel Requisition form must:
- indicate "state car" as mode of travel
- indicate "type of vehicle required"
- indicate the driver's license number of the traveler and license expiration date
- indicate the cost information obtained from the Division of Motor Vehicle Management in the cost estimate information section of the Travel Requisition form
3. A Motor Vehicle Management Dispatch Form must be completed and accompany the Travel Requisition form through the approval process. This form is available in Printing.
4. The Motor Vehicle Management Dispatch Form must indicate in the upper left-hand corner:
- Tennessee driver's license number
- Driver's license expiration date
- Reservation number
See attachment #1 as an example of a form completed by the employee requesting use of a state vehicle.
5. The Motor Vehicle Management Dispatch Form must indicate in the upper right-hand corner:
- TSU dispatch number
- TSU allotment number
- TSU cost center number
- TSU travel requisition number
- TSU account number
This information is typed on the Motor Vehicle Management Dispatch Form in the office of the Vice President for Business and Finance. See Attachment #2 as an example of a completed, approved form.
6. An approved copy of the Travel Requisition form and the approved original Motor Vehicle Management Dispatch Form must be obtained from the Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance and presented to the State Division of Motor Vehicle Management at 2200 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee to pick up the State Vehicle.
7. Out-of-state travel using a State Vehicle requires a credit card for gas purchases. A Credit Card Request for Out-of-State Travel Form is required for out-of-state travel (see attachment #3). This form must be presented to the State Division of Motor Vehicle Management along with the two forms described above if traveling out-of-state.
NOTE: The Motor Vehicle Management Dispatch Form must be signed on the back of the form by the Vice President for Business and Finance (indicated as Budget Officer on the Motor Vehicle Management Dispatch Form) if the travel is out-of-state.
8. An employee with blanket travel authority must have an approved copy of the Travel Requisition attached to each Motor Vehicle Management Dispatch Form. The person traveling must maintain an approved copy of the Travel Requisition to use each time a Motor Vehicle Management Dispatch Form is submitted for approval.
9. A copy of the Fleet Tracker Form issued by the State of Tennessee Motor Vehicle Management must be attached to the Claim for Traveling Expenses Form. (See Attachment #4).
10. If the only travel expense incurred is for the state vehicle, a Claim for Traveling Expenses is not required. However, you MUST submit a copy of the Travel Requisition Form and the Fleet Tracker Form to Accounts Payable.
Moving Expenses (5.9.12)
The purpose of this policy is to describe conditions under which consideration is given for payment or reimbursement of moving expenses.
Tennessee Board of Regents Policy No. 4:03:03:00, Section XI provides for payment of moving expenses under certain circumstances. Payment for moving expenses may be made when considered in the interest of the University and when such payment is part of the employment negotiation with a new employee.
Payment or reimbursement for moving expenses must be approved in advance by the President.
Moving expenses will be paid or reimbursed only after a contract is executed between the employee and the University (see attachment #1). The hiring department initiates the contract, determines the account to be charged and obtains proper approvals.
No moving expenses will be authorized for payment which do not qualify for a deduction under Section 217 - Moving Expenses - of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section XI, pages 11 through 17 of TBR Travel Policy No. 4:03:03:00 provide complete details regarding Moving Expenses.
Non-Affiliated Travelers (5.9.13)
The purpose of this policy is to outline the travel procedures for non-affiliated travelers.
TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:00 also applies to individuals other than employees or student groups who are authorized to travel at University expense. Individuals may travel, at the request of the University, for job interviews on campus, as guest speakers or consultants.
The same travel procedures apply to non-affiliated travelers as for University employees. Please refer to Policy # 5.9.3 - Approval to Travel (Travel Requisition Form) and Policy # 5.9.15 - Reimbursement of Travel Expenses (Claim Form).
1. The Travel Requisition Form should be initiated by the requesting department and MUST be processed and approved in ADVANCE of the trip. The traveler's signature can be signed by the preparer of the Travel Requisition form and initialed since the individual is not available.
2. The Travel Requisition Form must be in the name of the non-affiliated traveler. Particularly important are a COMPLETE ADDRESS and a CORRECT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.
3. The Travel Requisition Form must provide a complete explanation for the trip.
4. The TRAVELER MUST sign the Claim for Traveling Expenses form while on campus. The traveler will be reimbursed in accordance with TBR Travel Policy 4:03:03:00.
5. Checks for travel reimbursement will be mailed by Accounts Payable to the address indicated on the Travel Requisition Form.
FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING Travel Out-of-Country Travel (5.9.14)
The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedure for obtaining approval of out-of-country travel.
Authorization for out-of-country travel is subject to recommendation by the President and written, advance approval by the Chancellor. Out-of-country travel includes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and all other locations outside the 48 states of the continental United States. Travel to Canada is not considered out-of-country travel for authorization purposes and requires the same approval as other out-of-state travel.
Employees seeking approval for out-of-country travel must complete an Authorization to Travel Overseas Form (see attachment #1). This form must accompany the Travel Requisition Form through the normal travel approval process. The President will forward a recommendation to the Chancellor using this form.
Out-of-country travel is reimbursed by rates under Level I of TBR reimbursement rates.
Employees traveling out-of-country must allow extra time for proper approvals.
Reimbursement of Travel Expenses (Claim Form) (5.9.15)
The purpose of this policy is to highlight some of the basic requirements to complete the Claim for Traveling Expenses Form. It is not the intent of this policy to restate TBR Policy 4:03:03:00 on reimbursement of travel expenses. Reference must be made to TBR Travel Policy No. 4:03:03:00 and the Addendum.
Proper completion and support of the Claim for Traveling Expenses form is required before any reimbursement can occur.
Tennessee State University employees approved to travel on official University business will be reimbursed for all authorized travel expenses within the guidelines of TBR Policy 4:03:03:00.
Reimbursement for travel expenses shall only be allowed for actual expenses incurred, subject to the maximum limitations shown in the Addendum to TBR Policy 4:03:03:00.
Receipts are required for taxi fares, tolls and ferry fees.
Receipts are NOT required for meals UNLESS meal expenses exceed the maximum limitations outlined in the Addendum to the Travel Policy. If meals exceed the maximum, this expense must be anticipated prior to the trip and Part IV of the Travel Requisition must be approved in advance. See Policy # 5.9.10 regarding lodging and meal rate exceptions.
Lodging receipts are required and must itemize room charges and taxes.
The following procedures must be followed in order to receive reimbursement for travel expenses:
1. A Travel Requisition Form must be processed and approved prior to the trip. The original form (green copy) is maintained in the Accounts Payable Office.
2. Claims for reimbursement of travel expenses should be SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS after completion of the travel. Claims submitted after this period MUST provide written explanation for the delay.
3. If actual expenses are less than a cash advance, the difference should be indicated on the form and a copy of the cash receipt should be attached to the claim form.
4. A Claim for Traveling Expenses Form (see Attachment #1) must be completed as follows:
- All information must be indicated on the form.
- The "T" number on the Travel Requisition Form should be indicated on the claim form in the upper right-hand corner.
- Expenses must be shown on a daily basis.
- Expenses incurred through a purchase requisition initiated by the department, such as registration fees, should NOT be included on the claim form.
- Expenses incurred through a University-wide contract, such as airline tickets, SHOULD BE INCLUDED on the claim form but deducted on the advance line of the claim form.
- The amounts to be reimbursed must total down and across on the form.
- If the employee received a cash advance, this amount must be subtracted from the gross amount of the claim.
- All signatures must be original. The employee and the immediate supervisor (budgetary head) are the only required signatures.
- All appropriate receipts must be attached. The passenger copy of the airline ticket should be attached even if the University paid for the ticket directly.
- Reimbursement will not exceed the amount approved on the Travel Requisition unless the excess amount is sales tax on lodging. If actual expenses exceed estimated authorized expenses, a supplemental travel requisition must be processed and approved prior to reimbursement.
- Reimbursement for lodging will be at the Level I rate for any city not specifically listed as Level II, III, or IV in the Addendum to the Travel Policy (including out-of-country travel) unless the Travel Requisition authorizes an exception.
5. Checks for employee travel reimbursement will be delivered by Accounts Payable to the University post office for distribution to the employee. To ensure proper delivery of travel reimbursement checks, include the departmental post office box number and the department name on all Travel Requisition forms.
Addendum to TBR Policy 4:03:03:00
Supplemental Travel Requisition (5.9.16)
The purpose of this policy is to outline procedures for processing a supplemental travel requisition.
Tennessee State University employees seeking approval to travel on official University business must complete and process a Travel Requisition Form as outlined in Policy # 5.9.15. If the information included on the original, approved Travel Requisition form is incorrect, a Supplemental Travel Requisition may be required before full reimbursement can be made.
It is usually necessary to process Supplemental Travel Requisitions after the trip because the change of information is not known until the trip actually occurs. The need for a Supplemental Travel Requisition results from:
- Incorrect estimated cost information.
- Unpredictable expenses occurred.
- Exception to the lodging rate was not requested nor approved. NOTE: If the approved cost estimate included the exception rate for lodging, but Part IV of the original Travel Requisition was not completed, a Supplemental Travel Requisition is required to obtain the President's specific approval for the lodging rate. A copy of the convention or conference hotel brochure indicating the exception rate must be attached to the Supplemental Travel Requisition.
- Registration fees were not paid directly nor included on the original Travel Requisition form.
The departmental budget must have available funds under the travel object code to cover requests for additional expenses.
Supplemental Travel Requisitions must follow the same approval process as the original Travel Requisition:
- The Supplemental Travel Requisition must be signed by the employee and approved by the budgetary head (dean/director/department head) and the appropriate vice president.
- The approved Travel Requisition Form must be forwarded to the Vice President for Business and Finance for approval.
- The Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance will obtain approval from the Grants Office for all grant accounts and the President's Office when appropriate.
A Supplemental Travel Requisition requires the following:
- The upper right-hand corner of the Travel Requisition form must indicate the "T" number of the original Travel Requisition form. The pre-printed "T" number on the Supplemental Travel form should be deleted (See attachment #1).
- Required information on the Supplemental Travel Requisition includes: (1) date (2) first two lines on the Travel Requisition Form (3) the specific items to be amended.
Policy 4:03:03:00
Addendum to TBR Policy 4:03:03:00
webpage contact:
Travel Office