
Apply to TSU-TLSAMP Program

studentThere are two categories of TLSAMP applicants: freshman students and currently enrolled students. The guidelines listed below are minimum academic qualifications for each  category. 





mentor Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria are eligible to enter into an agreement that allows them to demonstrate their capability and thereby become eligible for TLSAMP funding the following semester.

  Freshman Apply Now!!!                  Current Students Apply Now!!!  

Freshman students must have: Current students must have:
  1. Be accepted to Tennessee State University and declare a STEM major
  2. Complete a TLSAMP application (Each FALL and SPRING SEMESTER)
  3. Attend a manadatory introduction meeting in August and January
  4. Adhere to all program requirements
  5. Be a U.S. citizen
  1. Declared a STEM major
  2. Cumulative GPA > 2.8
  3. Full-time student status (12 or more semester credit hrs.)
  4. Complete a TLSAMP application (Each FALL and SPRING SEMESTER)
  5. Attend a manadatory introduction meeting in August and January
  6. Adhere to all program requirements
  7. Be a U.S. citizen    

                                   Freshman Apply Now!!!                            Current Students Apply Now!!!




In order to apply to participate in the TLSAMP Program students must complete the TLSAMP Participant Application. The application will be required for selection of TLSAMP students, for recognition of students' official status as TLSAMP program participants for program funding, and for referrals to other opportunities.

In order to ensure that students' participation is educationally meaningful, students are required to :

  • Major in a STEM field
  • Attend all TLSAMP monthly seminars
  • Attend periodic academic, personal and professional development breakout sessions
  • Attend the annual TLSAMP Research Conference
  • Interact regularly and frequently with their faculty research mentors and/or advisors
  • Report research progress on a semester basis


Students will be selected to participate by the TLSAMP staff at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters. Students who are majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math can participate in the TLSAMP program.  Approxiately 30 mentors and 30 research assistance students will be accepted each semester.