Short Bio

About Me


AA (Liberal Arts) 1971 Atlantic Community College

BS (Science Education) 1973 Rowan University

Ph. D. (Ecology) 1981 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Course Listing

I teach biology courses at Tennessee State, and have the following interests in biological research.


The evolution and ecology of natural yeast communities; mutualism among yeast, insects and hosts

  • Jamil's Gel  P. orbus killer plate 
  • Tables  19th Int.Yeast Conf. Talk 
  • Figures  19th Int.Yeast Conf. Poster 
  • Australian Unknown   
  • Peruvian Flower Yeast


  • First Caribbean Cacti
  • Second Caribbean Cacti
  • Chilean Cacti
  • Peruvian&Guatemalan Cacti
  • 19th Int.Yeast Conf
  • 19th Int.Yeast Conf. Talk


  • Refereed Journals: 25
  • Book Chapters: 3
  • Presentations: 22

Ganter, P. F. 2011. Cactophilic yeast: everything is not everywhere. In: Fontaneto, D., editor. Biogeography of microorganisms. Is Everything Small Everywhere? Systematics Association Special Volumes Series 79. Cambridge University Press. pp. 130-174.

Ganter, P. F., G. Cardinali, and K. Boundy-Mills. 2010. Pichia insulana, an new cactophilic yeast from Curaçao. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60: 1001-1007.

de Barros Lopes, M. and P. F. Ganter. 2006. The cactus-yeast community. In: A.K. Sharma and A. Sharma, editors. Plant Genome: Biodiversity and Evolution, Vol. 2B: Lower Groups. Science Publishers from New Hampshire. pp 459-479.

Ganter, P. F. 2006. Yeast and invertebrate associations. In Rosa, C. A. and Gabor, P. Biodiversity and Ecophysiology of Yeasts. pp. 303-370. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg. pp 303-370.

Ganter, P. F., G. Cardinali, M. Giammaria, B. Quarles. 2004. Correlations among measures of phenotypic and genetic variation within an oligotrophic asexual yeast, Candida sonorensis, collected from Opuntia. FEMS Yeast Research 4:527-540













webpage contact:
Phil Ganter