PHYS 2111 - General Physics I Lab

Syllabus & Details


Lab report template (Windows Word 97-2003)

Grading rubric for lab report


1. Introduction to Measurements 

Lab Schedule

 Lab 1:  Mass and Density Notes (word file) Workbook (Excel file)
 Lab 2:  Vector Notes (word file) Workbook (Excel file)
 Lab 3:  1D motion Notes (word file) Workbook (Excel file)
 Lab 4:  Free Fall Notes (word file) Workbook (Excel file)
 Lab 5:  Projectile Motion Notes (word file) Workbook (Excel file)
 Lab 6:  Hooke's Law Notes (word file) Workbook (Excel file)
 Lab 7:  Atwood's Machine Notes (word file) Workbook (Excel file)
 Lab 8:  Impulse Notes (word file) Workbook (Excel file)
 Lab 9:  Momentum of Inertia Notes (word file) Workbook (Excel file)
 Lab 10: Harmonic Oscillation Notes (word file) Workbook (Excel file)
 Lab 11: Simple Pendulum Notes (word file) Workbook (Excel file)
 Lab 12: Torque and State of Equilibrium Notes (word file) Workbook (Excel file)




webpage contact:
Lizhi Ouyang