Tim Huff

Adjunct Professor
Civil and Architectural Engineering

M.S Geotechnical Engineering, University of Kentucky, 2001
B.Sc. C.E. University of Kentucky, 2000.



Finite element modeling of geotechnical systems

Design & Inspection of earth and rock fill dams/levees

Design of retaining wall systems


     Office: 108G Torrence Hall
     Phone: 615-736-7924
     Email:   tim.huff@tn.gov

Professional Experience

Geotechnical Engineer, US Army Corps of Engineers 2001 - present
Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering, Tennessee State University 2004- present.
Research/Graduate Assistant, University of Kentucky 1999-2001
Teaching Assistant, University of Kentucky 2001
Design of wastewater disposal pipes (diffusers) in river environments
Design of water intake systems for power plants
Design of water distribution systems for small communities
Design of sewer networks for housing developments
Design of vehicle sizes for residential solid waste collection
Design of water intake systems for power plants 

Professional Registration and memberships

Member American Society of military Engineers
member of American Society of Civil Engineers 

Sample Seminars Attended

ASCE GeoInstitute retaining wall and tieback wall design, Nashville 2005
ASCE Tennessee Section Annual Meeting, Smyrna 2004
Hayward Baker-Ground Modification Processes, Birmingham 2002 

Courses Taught at Tennessee State University

CVEN 3130 Soil Mechanics, 2 credit hours
CVEN 3131 Soil Mechanics Lab, 2 credit hours
CVEN 4440 Foundation Engineering, 3 credit hours

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Civil Engineering