Executive Director 

Ruthie Reynolds, Ph. D., C.P.A, J.D.

Advancing and Encouraging Entrepreneurial Excellence

The Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (CEED) oversees the functions of the following centers which exist in the College of Business:

The goal of CEED is to make the NBIC and SBDC more responsive to the needs of the business community and the university. Through coordination and an interdisciplinary approach to entrepreneurship, CEED advances and encourages entrepreneurial excellence through:

  • business creation,
  • economic development,
  • management consulting,
  • business workshops,
  • and leadership training.

Another goal of CEED's is to expand the focus of educating and preparing students for positions within corporations to raising student awareness of self-employment as career alternative. Although admission to NBIC is open to all, she said 27 percent of the new entrepreneurs and start-ups are either current or former TSU students.

Learn even more about CEED by clicking through our left-side navigation.







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