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Degree Programs in Biotechnology
The Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences offers the BS degree Agricultural Sciences with a concentration in Biotechnology, Masters degree in Plant or Animal Science and in cooperation with the Department of Biology, the Ph.D. degree in Biological Sciences with a concentration in Agricultural Biotechnology.
Biotechnology applies scientific and engineering principles to living organisms to produce products and services of value to society. Modern biotechnology provides breakthrough products and technologies to combat debilitating and rare diseases, reduce our environmental footprint, feed the hungry, use less and cleaner energy, and have safer, cleaner and more efficient industrial manufacturing processes. Students with training in biotechnology enjoy exciting careers that help feed, fuel and heal the world.
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Agricultural Sciences
Concentration in Biotechnology
Contact: Dr Suping Zhou, zsuping@tnstate.edu, (615) 963-2146 or Dr Samuel Nahashon, snahashon@tnstate.edu, (615) 963-2575
Fall Schedule |
Milestones |
Semester 1 |
Hrs. |
Semester 1 |
ENGL 1010 – Composition I |
3 |
Pre-Requisite Course: Must be taken before ENGL 1020, and HIST 2010, HIST 2020, HIST 2030, HIST 2060, HIST 2070, or HIST 2700; Minimum Grade “C” Required |
BIOL 1110/1111 – Gen Biology + Lab |
4 |
Minimum Grade of “C” required |
MATH 1110 or Equivalent |
3 |
Minimum Grade of “C” required |
UNIV 1000* -Freshman Orientation |
1 |
AGSC 1410 Intro Animal Science |
3 |
Pre-Requisite Course: Required for all Animal Science Courses; Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
COMM 2200 Public Speaking |
3 |
Total Hours |
17 |
*Orientation course taken at another University does NOT meet this requirement. Students with less than 60 credit hours must take UNIV 1000 at TSU.
Spring Schedule |
Milestones |
Semester 2 |
Hrs. |
Semester 2 |
ENGL 1020 – Composition II |
3 |
Pre-Requisite Course: Must be taken before taking HIST 2010, HIST 2020, HIST 2030, HIST 2060, HIST 2070, or HIST 2700; Minimum Grade “C” Required |
CHEM 1110/1111 – Gen Chemistry + Lab |
4 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
Social Behavioral Science* |
3 |
Humanities** |
3 |
AGSC 1200 – Intro Plant Science |
3 |
Pre-Requisite Course: Required for all Plant Science Courses; Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
Total Hours |
16 |
*The following courses can meet the Social Behavioral Science elective: AFAS 2010, ANTH 2300, ECON, 2010, GEOG 1010,
HPSS 1510, POLI 1010 PSYC 2010, WMST 2000, and URBS 2010. A total of six credits are required
**Students must take a 3 credit hour course from the following list of approved general education Humanities courses:
AREN 2310, ART, 1010, HIST 1000, THTR 1020, MUSC 1010, PHIL 1030, or RELS 2010. A total of 9 credits are required.
Fall Schedule |
Milestones |
Semester 3 |
Hrs. |
Semester 3 |
Humanities Elective* |
3 |
AGSC 2010 –Intro Agribusiness** |
3 |
Pre-Requisite Course: Required for all Agribusiness Courses; Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
HIST 2010*** |
3 |
AGSC 1600 Intro Biotechnology |
3 |
Required for all in Biotech Concentration. Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
CHEM 1120/1121 – Gen Chemistry II + Lab |
4 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
Total Hours |
16 |
Petition for Admission to Upper Division Courses |
*Students must take a 3 credit hour course from the following list of approved general education Humanities courses:
AREN 2310, ART, 1010, HIST 1000, THTR 1020, MUSC 1010, PHIL 1030, or RELS 2010. Students must remember NOT to
duplicate a course option from a previous semester.
***The Department recommends HIST 2010; however, HIST 2030, HIST 2060, HIST 2070 or HIST 2700 satisfy this requirement. Students must remember NOT to duplicate course option from a previous semester. A total of 6 credits of History are requited.****Discuss with an academic advisor course options. The choice should be based on the admission requirements to desired
professional school.
Spring Schedule |
Milestones |
Semester 4 |
Hrs. |
Semester 4 |
3 |
Social Behavioral Science** |
3 |
HIST 2020 *** |
3 |
CHEM 2010/2011- Organic Chem + Lab |
4 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
AGSC Elective**** |
4 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
Total Hours |
17 |
*Courses within the range of ENGL 2012- ENGL 2322 will meet this requirement.
**The following courses can meet the Social Science elective: AFAS 2010, ANTH 2300, ECON, 2010, GEOG 1010, HPSS 1510, POLI 1010 PSYC 2010, WMST 2000, and URBS 2010.
***The Department recommends HIST 2020; however, HIST 2030, HIST 2060, HIST 2070 or HIST 2700 satisfy this requirement.
Students must remember NOT to duplicate course option from a previous semester. A total of 6 credits of History are requited.
**** This must be a course in Plant or Animal Improvement or Genetics
Fall Schedule |
Milestones |
Semester 5 |
Hrs. |
Semester 5 |
Student should meet with an academic advisor to discuss the research assignment required for AGSC 4500-Senior Project |
AGSC 4340 Cell & Tissue Culture |
4 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
AGSC 3120 Intro Applied Stats |
3 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
BIOL 2110/2111* Cell Biology + Lab |
4 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
AGSC 3109 Principles and Methods of Biotech I |
4 |
Required for all in Biotech Concentration; Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
Total Hours |
15 |
*Discuss with an academic advisor course options. The choice should be based on admission requirements to desired
professional school.
Spring Schedule |
Milestones |
Semester 6 |
Hrs. |
Semester 6 |
AGSC 4370 Biosecurity & Bioforensics |
3 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
CHEM 3410/3411 Gen Biochem I + Lab |
3 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
BIOL 3410/11 Gen Bacteriology + Lab or BIOL 3400/3401 - Microbial Physiology + Lab |
4 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
AGSC 3110 Principles and Methods of Biotech II |
4 |
Required for all in Biotech Concentration.; Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
AGSC 4710 Seminar |
1 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
Total Hours |
15 |
*Discuss with an academic advisor course options. The choice should be based onadmission requirements to desired
professional school.
Fall Schedule |
Milestones |
Semester 7 |
Hrs. |
Semester 7 |
AGSC 4720 - Seminar |
1 |
BIOL 4110/4111- Molecular Genetics + Lab |
4 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
AGSC 4320 Industrial & Environ Biotech |
3 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
Guided Elective* |
3 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
BIOL 4112 Bioinformatics |
4 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
Total Hours |
15 |
* Discuss with an academic advisor course options. The choice should be based on admission requirements to desired
professional school.
Spring Schedule |
Milestones |
Semester 8 |
Hrs. |
Semester 8 |
Take Senior Exit Exam and Apply for Graduation |
Guided Elective* |
3 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
AGSC 4290 - Omics |
3 |
Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
AGSC 4500 – Senior Project |
3 |
Presentation of Senior Project Research; Minimum Grade of “C” Required |
Total Hours |
9 |
*Discuss with an academic advisor course options. The choice should be based on admission requirements to desired
professional school.
PhD Concentration
The Ph.D. concentration in Biotechnology is an interdepartmental degree program that is jointly offered by the Department of Agricultural Sciences and the Department of Biological Sciences.
Admission Requirements: Ph.D. Program
Administered by the Department of Biological Sciences. Applicants to the Ph.D. program must submit a completed application form, a personal statement describing interest in the program and professional goals, and three letters of recommendations from persons familiar with the applicant's academic work, especially in biology. The departmental admissions committee will base admission upon these materials and interviews with selected applicants.
Admission requires the applicant have a bachelor's degree from a fully accredited four-year college or university, a minimum score of 1370 calculated from the GPA multiplied by 200 and added to the GRE combined verbal and quantitative scores and a minimum score of 600 on the GRE subject test in biology. Students may also be admitted with subject test scores below 600, but such students must take the departmental diagnostic examination. The admissions committee will evaluate the student's performance on the examination and design a curriculum to eliminate any identified weaknesses. After passing the recommended courses with a grade of "B" or better in each, the student will begin the Ph.D. curriculum.
Programs of Study: Ph.D. Program
The degree candidate must file a program of study after competing nine (9) semester hours of graduate work, but before completing fifteen (15) hours of graduate work. The program lists the courses which will be used to satisfy degree requirements, as well as detailing how other requirements will be met. The student may later change the program of study with the written approval of the Department and the Graduate School.
Admission to Candidacy: Ph.D. Program
The student must apply for admission to candidacy after completing the 24 hour core of required courses (See Degree Requirements below), with an average of "B" (3.00) or better, passing the comprehensive examination, and gaining approval of the dissertation proposal. Students may have a "C" grade in no more than two courses (6 credit hours), neither of which can be a core course. No "D" or "F" grades are acceptable. A student who receives a grade of "C" in excess of six credits must repeat the course and achieve at least a "B".
Degree Requirements: Ph.D. Program
After gaining admission to candidacy, the student must complete an approved curriculum (24 hours minimum of electives set by the student's research advisory committee), enroll in Graduate Seminar (BIOL 7010, 7020), complete a dissertation (24 hours), and successfully defend the dissertation prior to gaining the Ph.D. degree (please refer to Biological Sciences Graduate Student Handbook for specific dissertation requirements). A student entering with a Master's degree may have applicable hours transferred toward the Ph.D. program, as determined by the Advisory Committee. The total number of hours required is 76.
Graduate Elective Courses
AGSC 5160 Animal Genetics and Breeding
AGSC 5190 Plant Breeding
AGSC 7010 Advancements in Agricultural Biotechnology
AGSC 7020 Economic, Regulatory and Ethical Issues in Biotechnology
AGSC 7030 Gene Expression and Regulation and Regulation in Higher Plants
AGSC 7040 Plant Tissue Culture Methods and Applications
AGSC 7050 Biotechnology in Animal Reproduction
AGSC 7060 Advanced Soil Technology
AGSC 7070 Molecular Genetic Ecology
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