Biotech in a Box

Bring the Biotechnology to your Classroom - Coming Soon!

biotech-boxFor the first time in Tennessee, the College of Agriculture at TSU, is providing the complete kits for bringing biotechnology to Tennessee high schools. These kits contain all the equipment needed for the suggested experiments, and the department pays round-trip shipping for the box between Tennessee State University and the school. A complete guideline and manual will be sent to the borrowers before they get the kits.

The Biotechnology Kit contains the equipment and materials for students to extract DNA from banana or strawberry, run PCR, pour agarose gels and analyze DNA. The kit includes an instructional manual, PCR instrument, horizontal gel electrophoresis, UV light box, microcentrifuge, pipettes and consumables needed to run an experiment. Different scenarios are provided including detecting a GMO vs non-GMO plant, identifying mystery samples through their DNA patterns. 

This kit will be available for a 2-week loan period, and multiple borrowers from the same school are encouraged to put their loan requests together.

Contact Dr Ali Taheri for more information.

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