Annual Property Inventory

Instructions & Forms

student on campus Tennessee State University depends on a range of equipment to support its mission of providing a quality education for its students. The university is required to conduct property inventory inspection of property and equipment annually. Department heads and account holders are responsible for ensuring the proper use, security, maintenance and disposition of all property, and to complete an annual inventory of property and equipment within their areas.



Inventory of university property is conducted annually at the end of each fiscal year.  Inventory folders and printouts are distributed by the Office of Procurement and must be returned by the established deadline.


Instructions for conducting the inventory is provided in each inventory folder. Documents required for conducting each inventory are available below.

The Property Deletion, Transfer, Addition and Computer Inventory sheets are required and must be completed and returned.  Remember, each sheet must be completed, signed, dated and returned with each inventory printout folder. If there are no deletions, additions or transfers, please indicate "NONE", sign, date and return the form with each inventory printout.


Inventory Instructions Property Deletion Sheet
Property Addition Sheet Property Transfer Sheet
Computer Inventory Sheet Property Hand Receipt Form

All items listed on the inventory printout must show a building and room number for location. This is a very important part of maintaining property accountability. If there is no room number for an item(s) inside of a building, one must be assigned and placed on the inventory printout.

Property that must be kept on the outside of a building, due to operational necessity, such as a vehicle, is assigned the following room code: 999

Property will not be deleted from the inventory unless supported by proper authenticated documents. Without the proper support documents, line-through items will remain as accountable property and will not be deleted until the proper document is submitted.

The following items are needed to support deletion of lined-through items on the inventory.

  • Theft: TSU Police Department Incident Report
  • Trade-In: Copy of Purchase Order
  • Turn-In: Copy of Moving and Service Work Request

Note: The above documents must be signed by the authorized Account Holder.


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Procurement and Business Services