Amazon Ready Leaders

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Program Overview:
Amazon Ready Leaders (ARL) is a partnership program between Amazon and Tennessee State University to produce work-ready graduates with specialized skills. This program is a combination of paid internships and course work, leading to a minor,  that will produce an Amazon Ready Leader.  Students from various disciplines will explore content in four focus areas: organizational behavior, leadership, operations management, and logistics/supply chain management. Course work is also comprised of a variety of experiential learning exercises designed to strengthen the development of students’ interpersonal and written communication skills. A capstone exercise blending course content and work experiences from internships, job shadowing opportunities, and mentoring sessions will be the culminating experience before students permanently enter the Amazon workforce.

At the end of the program, ARL students will be awarded a minor from TSU in Amazon Leadership and a certificate from Amazon, and have the foundational skills and knowledge to enter Amazon’s largest business segment–supply and distribution–as entry-level operations managers. For more information about the Amazon Ready Certificate, please visit:


  • Two paid internships
  • Increased career earning potential
  • Innovative courses featuring interactive learning
  • Professional networking and mentorship opportunities
  • Full-time salaried job offer (upon successful completion of the program)

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Amazon Workers

 Course Descriptions - Coming Soon!





• Complete sophomore year with 60 credit hours
• All majors welcome
• Flexible Summers and University Breaks

• Online Application
• Resumé
• Statement of Goals
• References (2)

Applications Opens: March 26, 2020
Applications Close: April 21, 2020
Selections Announced: April 30, 2020

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Amazon Ready Leaders Flyer  ARL Flyer thumbnail.jpg

 For More
Information Contact: 

Tiffany H. Terrell
(615) 963-7372

Learn more about Amazon's collaboration with TSU and other select educational institutions to develop a pathway to entry-level Operations Manager roles at Amazon.
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